Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Good Wife's Guide

I love love love this from Time Warp Wife's blog. I don't always do these things, but I would love to strive for this daily! Many blessings to all of you. Hope you enjoy

I came across a copy of "The Good Wife's Guide" the other day. It looked to be a photocopy of an article published by "Housekeeping Monthly," in May of 1955, but upon closer inspection, I got to wondering if the article might be a hoax. I recognized the photo as one I had previously seen on the cover of John Bull Magazine.

Wikipedia writes, "According to snopes.com, the wording "The Advertising Archives" located on the right side of the image suggests a fraud, since the Archives itself was not started until 1990." So was it an email hoax? More than likely it was.

I got to reading the satirical article and so many of the points that it had were the same ones I stress throughout the contents of my blog, and in particular a post I wrote titled, "My Desire for Curb Appeal." I clicked through several of the links, and nearly everywhere the guide was posted, it was up for much ridicule. The sad thing in all of this is that our role as a help-meet is being diminished by popular opinions that would rather scoff at good family values than face the truth of God’s word.
“Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.” Ephesians 5:22-24, (NIV)
I’ve decided to resurrect the “Good Wife’s Guide” in my own words, and according to the role that I hope to fulfill in my life. It is no longer a satirical piece written to mock the role of a help-meet, but rather a guide that leads women toward a noble character and good family values. It’s time that we took a stand for family values that serve to grow and protect the family unit as God divinely designed it to be.

Let’s get started ladies!
  • Take a look in the mirror an hour before your husband comes home to ensure that you are presentable. An hour allows ample time to hop into the shower if need be.
  • Go light on the perfume, but use great smelling soaps, shampoo, and antiperspirant so he’ll want to snuggle up for the evening.
  • If you wear makeup, put a little on before he walks in. Your goal is to look happy and radiant--not done up.
  • Dress in feminine clothing. Men are attracted to women, not fashion, so do your best to wear styles, fabrics and colors that remind him you’re a woman and not another one of the guys. Dress as well for him as you would for new friends.
  • Have all chores done before he walks in the door, and try to have things like the dishwasher and vacuum turned off.
  • Put aside your problems and be cheerful when he walks in the door.
  • Make your bed every morning so he has a comfortable place to rest at night or upon returning from work.
  • Ensure that the television and stereos are turned off so that the house is peaceful.
  • If the kids are excited about something, encourage them to wait about 15 minutes before they share their news.
  • Prepare dinner before he arrives. There’s nothing quite like the smell of home cooking when you walk in the door—especially when you’re cooking the food he likes.
  • Have the pots and pans washed ahead of time so that the kitchen is every bit as presentable as the meal.
  • If you have problems to deal with, wait until after dinner to spring it on him. Husbands are happier when their tummies are full.
  • Greet him at the door with open arms, a kiss, and a warm embrace.
  • Make an effort to look at him when he is speaking so that he has your full attention.
  • Close the computer if you’re on it, and if you’re chatting on the phone try to end the conversation and call her back later.
  • Have the children tidy up the front entrance when they arrive from school. Backpacks, jackets and gym bags make for an untidy greeting.
  • Do your best to have the house clean and organized at all times. He is working hard outside the home and needs home to be his haven of rest.
  • Don’t be angry if he’s working late, instead show appreciation for long hours put in.
  • Have the kids wash their faces, and change their clothing if they are soiled from play before Daddy comes home.
  • Don’t nag him or try to reshape his bad habits. Work on your own and practice acceptance at all times.
  • It is imperative that you defend your husband to your children and that they respect him at all times. Never allow them to grumble or complain about him whether he’s present or not.
  • Don’t compare him to other women’s husbands or to your father when it comes to your definition of a man. Love and respect go a lot farther than criticism ever will.
"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. ~ Proverbs 31:10"

1 comment:

  1. I remember a vintage "self-help" type book that appeared to be from the '50s, and had apparently been reprinted and was doing the 'rounds in evangelical circles. Sorry: Don't remember the title.

    Anyway, my wife brought one of these home; a friend loaned it to her.

    I was curious and opened it to a random page and started reading. By happenstance, I landed on a steaming heap of absolute rubbish. It said that men "have to" be always right, and "good wives" accommodate this immutable reality by feigning agreement when the husband has the wrong position, then wrangling around the situation to achieve the desired end effect; for example, by backburnering or otherwise obviating the issue, or by "cleverly" getting the husband around to the correct view while convincing him it was his idea, all along.

    BAD ADVICE. I, for one, believe in relationship. This advice reflects the thinking of a person who in the end doesn't really believe in relationship.

    I suspect that in many cases, the person who's doling out this kind of rubbishy advice may be the kind of person Christ was talking about; malefactors who put loads on others that they themselves wouldn't life a finger to carry. In other words, they don't mind giving women this relationship destroying "advice", but wouldn't dream of following it. They might well know better than that!

    My wife didn't quite follow this particular chestnut. But she did follow a lot of other stuff of the same shabby quality. After all, it was Christians telling her this stuff: How could it be wrong, correct?

    We're divorced, now... and what would you expect?

    Falling for bad advice is something Christians should be above.
