Our world is changing by the minute, and it seems it is very rarely for the better.
Kids in today's world have must deal with dangers that were somewhat unheard-of during my childhood: school shootings, gang wars, drugs, molestation, kid nappers, and terrorists! Yet, I am convinced one of the greatest threats to a child's sense of security and well-being has nothing to do with these outside forces. It is, instead, the fear that Mommy and Daddy might one day break up the family.
I remember, as an adolescent, listening through closed doors to my mom and dad in very heated discussions. My fear each time I heard this, was that we would be a broken family! Little did I know, then, that couples do have disagreements, and yes, they do argue!
My parents just celebrated 34 years of marriage... a very good marriage!
Kids just like adolescent me, need stability. A secure environment, to grow and learn. It's what God wants for your family and mine.
This environment all starts with a commitment between husband and wife to nurture the marriage relationship.
The wonderful and challenging
Dance of Love.
Our family receives so much comfort from scripture, written especially for us. "A father to the fatherless, and defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling" (Psalm 68:5)
Maybe the best news for you and your family is simply knowing, you are never alone!
"Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28:20)
I am so thankful Jesus is standing right beside us as we journey through these things called, love, marriage, parenthood, and.....life.....
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