Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Fathers and Sons

"I will be his father, and he will be my son.
                                               2 Samuel 7:14

This is a beautiful picture of  father and son. I am encouraging husbands/fathers to read this entry!  Many blessings to you as you parent your little ones!

Someone has said, "if you connect a boy to the right man, he seldom goes wrong." I fully believe that to be true.

The full force of my own father's contribution hit me years ago when he lay in the hospital after a heart attack. As I stood by his bedside. I thought back to the happiest moments of my childhood--- how he would rise early on a wintry morning, pull on our hunting clothes, and head twenty miles outside of town to a favorite place we called "the big woods." He'd get me situated under a little tree, and then we'd wait for the sun to come up, watching the squirrels and birds and chipmunks. Those moments with my dad were priceless. They made me want to be like him----to choose his values as my values, his dreams as my dreams, his God as my God.

Are you cultivating common ground with your son? Sharing hobbies or other interests now will encourage open communication during the turbulent times ahead. It will plant the seeds for a mutual faith--- and a friendship that can last a lifetime.

  • As a child, did you share any hobbies with your dad?
  • What are your favorite memories of those times?
  • What activities do your children enjoy sharing with  you? What new ones could you try?
  • How can common activities build a mutual faith?

Fathers and Sons: Written by Dr. James Dobson- from the nightly devotional book: Night Light For Parents'

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