Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Training and Correcting

If you feel overwhelmed, you are not alone! This morning, while doing some reading and simply being still, I began to mentally list the areas of life I feel the most stressed (ie: finances, scheduling, time management etc.) Included, and possibly at the very top of my list was/is raising our children in the ways of our Lord.

I am so very proud of what God has done in and through my husband and me in the past few months. We have wonderful blessings in our three children, but frustration sets in sometimes, and satan tries to pry his way in. Through prayer and very hard work our parenting has improved greatly! We are no longer shouting down the hall "STOP IT OR YOU ARE GETTING DISCIPLINE!!!" Our "threats" have ceased, we have lovely conversations with our children that involve listening now, more than ever! We actually like being around one another!

I am offering tonight, some things that have worked so well for us! Take this advice and mold it to fit your family style. The number one thing to always remember though, is keeping Jesus Christ as head... and always ask your husbands' advice, letting Him be your leader as he follows Christ!

I am not claiming to be a parenting expert. I just simply want to share what we/I have learned through so much trial and error!

The First Lesson We have Learned:

I have learned (mostly the hard way) that being consistant is one, if not the most important tool in correcting little ones'. When our children know we will follow through with what we are saying, it makes life so much easier, and also allows us to teach them the importance of telling the truth! There is usually a warning first, but if disobediance continues toward Mommy, and Daddy (inturn disobedience toward God, because He has placed us as watch over our children) then there will be consequences.

We have always taken our job as parents' very seriously. We are ultimatly equiping them to be responsible adults, who love God and serve others. We love our children unconditionally, just as Our Heavenly Father loves us, and we always want what's best for them; learning to make good choices.One of the most powerful ways to do that is to let them experience upleasant consequences when choices made are not wise. That lesson always begins with choosing to obey Mommy and Daddy!

Our goal is to have them understand four different points of obedience:

Immediate. We tell them, that obedience needs to occur immediatly. If it doesn't happen that way, it's not obedience. Most of the time it's not what you want to do, but it's what you should do to honor Mommy or Daddy----- and most of all, to honor God.

With a Happy Heart: God wants us to obey Him joyfully, and parents want the same thing from thier children. Even when what we're asking of them is seemingly too difficult or not what they are wanting to do, we remind them to repond with a "happy heart", Yes ma'am or Yes Sir, and without whining (a hard hard lesson to learn for a 3 year old with a slight learning delay) And NO COMPLAINING!

Children learn fastest when training is continual and consequences are consistent. We try so very hard to limit our "no's" to things that really matter, and will keep them safe! We have a very loud house, and as long as the rules are followed, I like it that way (most of the time) Running is always allowed (unless little one's are asleep or we need a little quiet time) We work hard on the behavior we expect, and we explain what the consequences will be if that doesn't happen.

Our children are still very young, but they understand most of the guidelines established in our house. In our family we try hard to comply with these simple things, derived mainly from biblical truths, and mistakes int the past that we have learned from!

1. Always us soft words, even when you don't feel well, or feel you have been wronged
2. Always display kind actions
3. Show a happy and joyful heart/attitude, especially when no one is looking (God always is)
4. Put others above yourself (still working on this one;)
5. Think pure thoughts
6. Never "taddle tale" unless physical harm will come to someone.
Matthew 18:15-17
15 “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. 16 But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ 17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.
7. Never raise a hand to hit, a foot to kick, an object to throw, a voice to yell or an eye to scowl.
8. Use one toy or game at a time.
9. Never let the sun go down on your wrath (don't go to bed angry)
10. J.O.Y= Jesus First, Others Second, Yourself last. Make serving your family a priority.

My final thought is one that I think I struggle with the most! ENJOYING TODAY.... Our children have grown up so so fast already, and although I am trying harder with some success, most days I can't wait to lie down with a a good book and read myself to sleep! Enjoy your little blessings! You will miss the chaos, the diapers, the bed time stories, the "mommy will you lay with me," or "daddy will you tuck me in tight." Cherish the gifts God has given you in these little one's... These are the days!!!

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