Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Never Gonna Let The Rocks Cry Out!!!

God doesn't "need" anything from us!

Psalm 50:10 "for every animal of the forest is mine,
   and the cattle on a thousand hills.

I have a hard time remembering this. God wants our praise, our love, a relationship with us! He does not need it.

The bible says if we do not praise Him, the stones will cry out (Luke 19:40)

I don't know about you, friends, but I am not going to allow even the prettiest stones to PRAISE in my place!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Thankful, in a Rut

Have you ever felt like you were stuck? In a rut?

If you have ever felt this way, you are not alone. Do you know, that when I am stuck in a rut I feel so frustrated and down, but most of all I feel hungry!!!!

When I can't control  the situations in my life, like my finances, my children, my extended family situations and so on is when my rut seems to make itself comfortable. These circumstances that I can't control, make me want to turn to something I can control. And eating sure does feel like an easy way to find comfort.

But, in all this, what feels comfortable and satisfying going in my mouth, doesn't always feel the same on my heart. To overindulge makes me feel so guilty, and once that feeling of guilt joins me, it only makes my issues more complicated.

So, if we (who are like me) can't eat our way out of our rut, then what can we do?

If I am TRULY hungry, I reach for healthy options (carrot sticks, a big salad, granola) and then, find something else to do... clean, read, talk to a friend on the phone... praise God with the same lips I feel like I need to use eating a powdered doughnut with ;)

Even though I may not feel like looking to my Heavenly Father, smack dab in the middle of the rut I am in, my heart tends to shift a bit, and begin to become encouraged by the blessings that surround me when I "praise Him in the storm."  Look what happened when Daniel took this step. In Daniel 6:10, Daniel had just learned that if anyone was caught praying to anyone else besides King Darius, they would be thrown into the Lion’s Den, and that, my friends is quite the literal rut!!!

What did he do? He prayed, and he praised...

And do you know what he chose to pray?
“God, save me!”
“God, it’s not fair!”
“God, this is too much!”
“God, kill my enemies and wipe them out!”
“God, You know I can’t handle this without extreme doses of chocolate!”
No. He prayed none of these...

What Daniel prayed is encouraging, and can get me out of the deepest "rut" pretty fast!!!

Daniel prayed, Thank You God. “Three times a day, he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.” (Daniel 6:10b, NIV)

Our initial responses are usually a by-product of the rituals we’ve established in our life. Daniel had made it his habit to be thankful. What is your "ritual?" Are you thankful?

Life will be and is full of heartache, trials, "ruts" and things we just can't control, but what are we choosing to pray.... ???

I choose.... Thank You God...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

It Is Well- A Story of Love and Faith in the Almighty God

This story never ceases to bring me to weaping. Such an amazing story of love. Love for family, and love and trust for our Almighty God! Listen and read as this story unfolds! How do we react to our trials, our moutain tops, and even when dear ones close to us die? What ever we do, whatever happens in life, whether trial, or tribulation, sorrow or Joy... may we boast all the more gladly, lifting our faces back up to Our Father in Heaven!!!
Many blessings, friends!
In 1871, tragedy struck Chicago as fire ravaged the city. When it was all
over, 300 people were dead and 100,000 were homeless. Horatio Gates
Spafford was one of those who tried to help the people of the city get
back on their feet. A lawyer who had invested much of his money into the
downtown Chicago real estate, he'd lost a great deal to the fire. And his one
son (he had four daughters) had died about the same time. Still, for two years
Spafford--who was a friend of evangelist Dwight Moody--assisted the homeless,
impoverished, and grief-stricken ruined by the fire.
After about two years of such work, Spafford and his family decided to take
a vacation. They were to go to England to join Moody and Ira
Sankey on one of their evangelistic crusades, then travel in Europe. Horatio
Spafford was delayed by some business, but sent his family on ahead. He
would catch up to them on the other side of the Atlantic.
Their ship, the Ville du Havre, never made it. Off  Newfoundland, it
collided with an English sailing ship, the Loch Earn, and sank within 20
minutes.  Though Horatio's wife, Anna, was able to cling to a piece of
floating wreckage (one of only 47 survivors among hundreds), their four
daughters--Maggie, Tanetta, Annie, and Bessie--were killed.
Horatio received a horrible telegram from his wife, only two words long: "saved
alone."  Spafford boarded the next available ship to be near his grieving wife, and
the two finally met up with Dwight Moody. "It is well," Spafford told him
quietly. "The will of God be done."  Though reports vary as to when he did so, that belief led
Spafford to pen the words to one of the English language's best-known hymns. Some
say he wrote it on the ship to meet his wife, around the place where his
daughters died.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Training and Correcting

If you feel overwhelmed, you are not alone! This morning, while doing some reading and simply being still, I began to mentally list the areas of life I feel the most stressed (ie: finances, scheduling, time management etc.) Included, and possibly at the very top of my list was/is raising our children in the ways of our Lord.

I am so very proud of what God has done in and through my husband and me in the past few months. We have wonderful blessings in our three children, but frustration sets in sometimes, and satan tries to pry his way in. Through prayer and very hard work our parenting has improved greatly! We are no longer shouting down the hall "STOP IT OR YOU ARE GETTING DISCIPLINE!!!" Our "threats" have ceased, we have lovely conversations with our children that involve listening now, more than ever! We actually like being around one another!

I am offering tonight, some things that have worked so well for us! Take this advice and mold it to fit your family style. The number one thing to always remember though, is keeping Jesus Christ as head... and always ask your husbands' advice, letting Him be your leader as he follows Christ!

I am not claiming to be a parenting expert. I just simply want to share what we/I have learned through so much trial and error!

The First Lesson We have Learned:

I have learned (mostly the hard way) that being consistant is one, if not the most important tool in correcting little ones'. When our children know we will follow through with what we are saying, it makes life so much easier, and also allows us to teach them the importance of telling the truth! There is usually a warning first, but if disobediance continues toward Mommy, and Daddy (inturn disobedience toward God, because He has placed us as watch over our children) then there will be consequences.

We have always taken our job as parents' very seriously. We are ultimatly equiping them to be responsible adults, who love God and serve others. We love our children unconditionally, just as Our Heavenly Father loves us, and we always want what's best for them; learning to make good choices.One of the most powerful ways to do that is to let them experience upleasant consequences when choices made are not wise. That lesson always begins with choosing to obey Mommy and Daddy!

Our goal is to have them understand four different points of obedience:

Immediate. We tell them, that obedience needs to occur immediatly. If it doesn't happen that way, it's not obedience. Most of the time it's not what you want to do, but it's what you should do to honor Mommy or Daddy----- and most of all, to honor God.

With a Happy Heart: God wants us to obey Him joyfully, and parents want the same thing from thier children. Even when what we're asking of them is seemingly too difficult or not what they are wanting to do, we remind them to repond with a "happy heart", Yes ma'am or Yes Sir, and without whining (a hard hard lesson to learn for a 3 year old with a slight learning delay) And NO COMPLAINING!

Children learn fastest when training is continual and consequences are consistent. We try so very hard to limit our "no's" to things that really matter, and will keep them safe! We have a very loud house, and as long as the rules are followed, I like it that way (most of the time) Running is always allowed (unless little one's are asleep or we need a little quiet time) We work hard on the behavior we expect, and we explain what the consequences will be if that doesn't happen.

Our children are still very young, but they understand most of the guidelines established in our house. In our family we try hard to comply with these simple things, derived mainly from biblical truths, and mistakes int the past that we have learned from!

1. Always us soft words, even when you don't feel well, or feel you have been wronged
2. Always display kind actions
3. Show a happy and joyful heart/attitude, especially when no one is looking (God always is)
4. Put others above yourself (still working on this one;)
5. Think pure thoughts
6. Never "taddle tale" unless physical harm will come to someone.
Matthew 18:15-17
15 “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. 16 But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ 17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.
7. Never raise a hand to hit, a foot to kick, an object to throw, a voice to yell or an eye to scowl.
8. Use one toy or game at a time.
9. Never let the sun go down on your wrath (don't go to bed angry)
10. J.O.Y= Jesus First, Others Second, Yourself last. Make serving your family a priority.

My final thought is one that I think I struggle with the most! ENJOYING TODAY.... Our children have grown up so so fast already, and although I am trying harder with some success, most days I can't wait to lie down with a a good book and read myself to sleep! Enjoy your little blessings! You will miss the chaos, the diapers, the bed time stories, the "mommy will you lay with me," or "daddy will you tuck me in tight." Cherish the gifts God has given you in these little one's... These are the days!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Solitude...For a Purpose

As I sat down tonight to write about something that has been so heavy on my heart. I began to draw a blank, and can think of no one who has put it better than Darlene, at http://www.time-warp-wife.blogspot.com/

I pray, dear friends, you are encouraged by this post, and know that although you may feel "lonely" you are never alone sweet one, never!

Dear Darlene,

If I were to stay in our home with my man and my baby, I would be completely happy, but when I go out with my friends or go to our church, I feel so lost and like I don't have a friend in the world besides Jesus, my husband, and our child.

I guess I am at a stage in my life where there are a lot of changes and while I am trying to keep up, I’m not succeeding. There is obviously more to my story, but I'm sitting here crying as I type, and I finally feel like God is giving me a hope for something (though I don't even know what I've been looking for) to hang onto.

It may take me some time to read back through your blog posts, but I will try! I've signed up to receive them by email. I just felt I needed to share this with someone--you specifically. Thank you for sharing your heart and your views and your values.


Dear Hope,

I wanted to share your letter with my readers, because I suspect that a lot of women have felt the same way you do—I know that I have. Sometimes I feel like I'm all alone in this world. Even in a crowd I feel like people don't see me.

I wrote an article a while back called, A Moment with Him,” that I'd like to encourage you to read. It's about a day when I drove, and I cried, and I wiped tears away from my face. I was lonely, but in that moment of isolation I felt God’s gentle whisper as He said, “I want to spend this time with you.”

That’s when I realized this time that we see as abandonment from the world is often a gift that goes unnoticed, until life slows down and we have a chance to look back. Not a wound waiting to be healed. Not a space needing to be filled--a gift of time spent alone with our Lord.

Language has created the word “loneliness”
to express the pain of being alone.
And it has created the word “solitude”
to express the glory of being alone.
~ Paul Tillich
Perhaps that's what's happening to you. Could it be that God is allowing this trial for a purpose? Maybe it's so that you dedicate your time to being the best mom and wife you can be. Maybe it's so that you step deeper into a relationship with God. Or maybe He is emptying your life for something greater than either you or I could imagine...

I don’t know the mind of God, but I do know that our cups can't be filled until they are empty. Empty of all this world has to offer. Use this time of solitude to trust--enjoy your family and rejoice knowing that He has more for you than you could ever hope for yourself.

Fear thou not; for I am with thee:
be not dismayed; for I am thy God:
I will strengthen thee; yea,
I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee
with the right hand of my righteousness.
~ Isaiah 41:10

Friday, May 20, 2011

Modest is Hottest

Today I want to share something very interesting. Our modesty as women play a very important role in choosing a mate, in the way our children look at them selves and others', and the way we show others' Jesus. This video is from the male perspective and is very interesting!

I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes. 1 Timothy 2:9

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Marriage-A Beautiful Gift

Have I mentioned lately that I absolutely am in love with an amazing man, who happens to be my husband ;) I adore the way he smiles, I am sure his heart is made of solid gold. He is such a great example to our children, and a wonderful leader in our home.
I was feeling particularly sappy this evening (he is out of town) missing his face, and the smile that I love so much... So, I found some cute, romantic, lovely quotes!!! I hope you enjoy these, and treasure your husbands, as I do mine!!!

What a happy and holy fashion it is that those who love one another should rest on the same pillow.  ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

Newlyweds become oldyweds, and oldyweds are the reasons that families work.  ~Author Unknown

Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate.  ~Barnett R. Brickner

More marriages might survive if the partners realized that sometimes the better comes after the worse.  ~Doug Larson

There is no such cozy combination as man and wife.  ~Menander

And lastly, one of my favorite verses about marriage... short and very very sweet!!!

Proverbs 18:22 "He who finds a wife, finds a good thing, and finds favor from the Lord."

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Knit Me Together

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13 (NIV)
What do you love to do? If finances were unlimited and failure was unlikely, what would be your dream?
The facilitator of our team-building activity asked our small group to answer these questions. I didn’t have an answer. So I decided to start praying we’d run out of time before it got to me. But just in case I had to answer, I listened to everyone else describe their dreams, hoping to get ideas.
One wanted to be the first female president of the United States. Another friend said she’d always wanted to sing in a Christian rock band. I knew I was in trouble.
Here I was, 32-years-old at the time, and I didn’t know who I was or what my dreams were. Eventually everyone looked at me for a response. I stumbled over my words. Then I finally admitted I didn’t really know what I loved to do.
I didn’t have a dream. I’d never taken time to think about or answer those kinds of questions. Instead, I had always tried to be who others wanted or needed me to be. But honestly, I wasn’t very good at it. I often had this uneasy feeling in my heart and a sense of just not being happy. And I was a constant candidate for burn out.
I wasn’t living out the truth held in our key verse today: “[God] created my inmost being; [He] knit me together in my mother’s womb.” (Psalm 139:13, NIV)
I was not designed to be who others expected me to be, or even wanted me to be. I was created to become all that God planned for me to be. But I was lost in the process of my becoming.
After I fumbled around looking for an answer during our team-building time, our facilitator encouraged me to ask God what His dreams were for my life.
I took her advice and started the process of becoming the “real me” who had gotten buried in the busyness of life and people pleasing.
As I read books that talked about discovering our passions, gifts and personality traits, I started to identify what I liked. I recognized strengths that came natural for me, and learned what I needed emotionally to encourage my heart.
For the first time, I realized there was an important reason I was who I was — with my passionate preferences and mixed bag of emotions. Instead of wanting to be like women I knew and admired, I sensed God wanted to use the unique way He made me.
Isn’t it easy to neglect ourselves to meet the needs of everyone around us, and call it self-sacrifice? It sounds godly. But in doing so we risk shutting down a place in our soul where God’s dreams and gifts are waiting to be revealed.
So, how well do you know the real you? Have you ever taken time to think about what you like to do? What would make your heart come alive if you had the confidence and resources to do it?
Although it might feel self-seeking, it’s actually God-seeking to take time to get to know the woman He created you to be. Remember God had a plan in mind when He made you. When you surrender your unique passions and personality to Him, God will use them to guide you towards His dreams for your life.
Lord, I want to know the woman You had in mind when You created me. I don’t want to grow old and never know Your purpose for my life. Show me Your dreams for me so I can offer what You want to give to those around me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
<A devotional entry: Written by; Renee Swope- of Proverbs 31 Ministries

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Friend Loveth

I am sure that all who are reading, and have little ones' and husbands to take care of are just as busy, if not more so than I; and lately I have been under much conviction about my "busy-ness" I think my priorities are somewhat right. I love staying at home, "keeping house," teaching our children, making lunches for my husband, and all the other things that go along with attributes of a biblical woman. I strive so hard to focus on the things above, the things that God deems important, like raising our boys, and being a godly example to our family; but, there is something missing...hmmmm, what could it be? I have asked myself, and my husband this thought provoking question so many times within the past year or so, but really couldn't put a finger on it.

Last night, in my search/praying/reading once more I asked this question of  God... What am I missing? I feel like I am doing my best in all areas, but then.... in what seemed like almost a whisper, God spoke to me! "You are missing friendships."

I have struggled with "finding time" for others' for about two years now, and the struggle isn't getting any better. I am so very proud of what God is doing in and through my family and me. I need to reach out to godly women for friendships, accountability, and sisterhood!

As we journey through life together, I encourage you to do the same. Find godly women. Search for mentors to teach and guide you through being a wife, mother and friend. Know, that while you too are searching, I will search with you!

It is very important to God that believers have good friendships, and this is obvious since so much is said about the subject of friendship in the Bible. Additionally, there are clear definitions in the Bible of what a good friendship is and what a bad friendship is. Here is a  look at some of those examples. I offer up many prayers as we search, learn, and refine together.

The Bible describes true friendship as when one will be honest even when it hurts. Proverbs 27:6 (NIV) says, “Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.” This means that a true friend of yours will tell you what you need to hear, even if it hurts, instead of flattering you all of the time. These “wounds” from a friend can also mean for them to rebuke or correct you when you have done something wrong. No one is perfect, but we usually want to make the best decisions for ourselves and those close to us. So sometimes it takes a true friend to tell us that we might be making the wrong decision and heading down the wrong path. Many great leaders have had close friends who at times advised the leader of which path to follow.

An example of a close friendship in the Bible can be found in 1 Samuel chapters 18-20 (NIV). Jonathan, who was the son of King Saul, was close friends with a man named David (who became a king later on). Long before David's reign as king, David became quite popular with the people because of his victories over the Philistines in battle. Unfortunately, that popularity made King Saul extremely jealous and full of rage, so he sought to kill David in order to protect his throne. However, Jonathan warned David of his father's every move, which allowed David to escape physical harm.

Sometimes the best friendship is for one to just be there for the other. Remember Job and the suffering he endured (in the book of Job)? In the midst of his pain, he was visited by three of his close friends (Job 2:11-13 NIV) who all had good intentions but probably would have done better, instead, to just pray with him. For example, they made comments to him stating that he must have sinned horribly and that God was punishing him for it. However, the Bible says that God was pleased with Job (Job 42:7-8 NIV) Therefore, some of the best friends you will have are those who just listen and give advice only when asked.

Good friends will have a positive influence on you. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (NIV) says that “two are better than one,” and goes on to tell how life is much better when you have a friend. Within this same verse we are told that a friendship like this can lead to one being able to pick up or support the other when he or she falls and that friends can keep each other warm. It also says that two friends can stand together against threatening events.

Bad friends will have a negative influence on you. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:33 (NIV) that bad company will corrupt someone with good character. Many people make the mistake of associating with the wrong crowd, and it is one of the warnings parents try and give their children all through their developing years and even into adulthood.

The Bible warns us of making friendships with angry people. In Proverbs 22:21(NIV) the Bible says that we should not make friends with those who anger easily because we could end up being just like them. Angry people are difficult because we cannot always determine how they will respond. Some respond with violence, but most of the time it's with abusive words that hurt people. If you happen to be friends with this type of person, others may even begin to think that you are just like your angry friend. It can hurt your reputation.

Jesus Christ demonstrates the ultimate friendship. John 15:12-14(NIV) says, “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command.” As you can see from this verse, Jesus Christ is the perfect example of a true friend because He sacrificed Himself for us.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Fathers and Sons

"I will be his father, and he will be my son.
                                               2 Samuel 7:14

This is a beautiful picture of  father and son. I am encouraging husbands/fathers to read this entry!  Many blessings to you as you parent your little ones!

Someone has said, "if you connect a boy to the right man, he seldom goes wrong." I fully believe that to be true.

The full force of my own father's contribution hit me years ago when he lay in the hospital after a heart attack. As I stood by his bedside. I thought back to the happiest moments of my childhood--- how he would rise early on a wintry morning, pull on our hunting clothes, and head twenty miles outside of town to a favorite place we called "the big woods." He'd get me situated under a little tree, and then we'd wait for the sun to come up, watching the squirrels and birds and chipmunks. Those moments with my dad were priceless. They made me want to be like him----to choose his values as my values, his dreams as my dreams, his God as my God.

Are you cultivating common ground with your son? Sharing hobbies or other interests now will encourage open communication during the turbulent times ahead. It will plant the seeds for a mutual faith--- and a friendship that can last a lifetime.

  • As a child, did you share any hobbies with your dad?
  • What are your favorite memories of those times?
  • What activities do your children enjoy sharing with  you? What new ones could you try?
  • How can common activities build a mutual faith?

Fathers and Sons: Written by Dr. James Dobson- from the nightly devotional book: Night Light For Parents'

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Complaining Spirit


Do you ever feel like complaining? Like you have SOOO much to do?

Well, this past week you have not been alone, if this is you. I have been so guilty this week of complaining about everything. My spirit has been so sour, oozing with a bit of bitterness!

This morning in our church service God really spoke to me about these things.... We, especially wives and mothers', should exude the love of Christ, and not a complaining spirit. I wanted to know what God says, in His word about that very thing. These are a few passages I found in my search.

May your week be filled with Joy, compassion, and love... doing all things without complaining!!!!

 (Philippians 2:14) Do all Things without grumbling or questioning

(James 5:9)  Do not grumble against one another, brothers, so that you may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing at the door.

(1 Peter 4:9) Show hospitality to one another without grumbling

(Ephesians 4:29) Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

May God Bless.

Friday, May 13, 2011

It Feels like Redemption

Are you hurting? In need of forgiveness?
Are you lonely? Are you an overwhelmed mother?
Sometimes we, as wives and mothers' get so wrapped up in raising our children, taking care of our husbands and keeping our home, that we put our relationship with our first love, Jesus Christ, on the back burner. We forget how much God wants an intimate, close relationship with us.
Below is a beautiful, song. A song about God's love, forgiveness, and redemption!!! The choir that we serve in has performed this song several times, and I am never free from conviction when I sing this. When I listen, I am reminded of how much our loving Lord cares and loves us. That He knows all of our struggles, and I am still astonished by the fact that He still loves ME... and YOU...
May Christs' redemptive spirit reign down on you as you listen.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Before I Was a Mom

I read this beautiful poem yesterday, and had to share. The Author is unknown to me, but it is such an eye opening poem. I hope you enjoy! Enjoy being a mom, it is the best job isn't it???


Before I was a Mom;
I made and ate hot meals,
I had unstained clothing,
I brushed my hair every day,
I had quiet conversations on the phone,
I slept as late as I wanted and I slept all night long.

Before I was a Mom;
I cleaned my house each day,
I never tripped over toys or forgot lullabies,
I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous,
I had never been puked on, pooped on, spit on, chewed on, peed on, or
pinched by tiny fingers.

Before I was a Mom;
I never thought about immunizations,
I never held a screaming child so the doctors could give shots,
I never looked into teary eyes and cried,
I never felt my heart break into pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt,
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.

Before I was a Mom;
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put it down,
I never sat up late hours of the night watching a baby sleep,
I never got up in the middle of the night to make sure everything was okay,
I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby.

Before I was a Mom;
I had complete control of my mind, my thoughts and my body,
I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside of my body,
I didn't know that having something so small could make me feel so
I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache,
the wonderment, or the satisfaction of being a mom.

Before I was a Mom;
I never knew that something so small could effect my life so much,
I never knew that I could love someone so much,
I never knew I would love being a Mom,
I didn't know the bond between a Mother and her child,
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Today---What will you Do?

You are worried about seeing him spend his early years in doing nothing.  What!  Is it nothing to be happy?  Nothing to skip, play, and run around all day long?  Never in his life will he be so busy again.  ~Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile, 1762

Today, let your children be just that..... children!!!
Sometimes I get so caught up in raising our children to be godly men someday. To protect, to help, to serve, to be faithful, to work hard.... that I forget to also inclue joy, compassion, love, cheerfulness, thanksgiving and letting them have fun doing all of this!!!

Today, I will laugh with my children, show compassion to them. Today, I will nurture my boys' (more than normal.) Today, I will gaurd my time wisely, spending much needed time with family, teaching Gods' love through actions, words, and mostly, through love.

What will you do today???

Monday, May 9, 2011

Can't Never Could

“Bring them here to me.” Matthew 14:18 (NIV)
“Mo-om,” my six year old son called from the den where he was working on math, “I can’t do this!”
I was in the kitchen washing dishes. “If you can’t do it,” I called back, “Just bring it to me.”
In a whoosh, I heard God’s still small voice, coming in on the heels of what I have just spoken aloud. “Isn’t that what I say to you?” He reminded me.
When I am overwhelmed: “If you can’t do it, just bring it to Me.”
When I am angry: “If you can’t do it, just bring it to Me.”
When I am hurting: “If you can’t do it, just bring it to Me.”
When I am confused: “If you can’t do it, just bring it to Me.”
Thousands of years ago, the disciples faced a situation they couldn’t do. They couldn’t feed 5000 men and their families lunch even though the people were hungry. They knew that allowing them to leave would mean missing a great ministry opportunity… but their resources were sorely lacking.
Then one little boy stood up and offered his lunch. Jesus responded, “Bring them here to me.” He took that meager offering — the tiniest bit offered in faith — and multiplied it beyond anyone’s expectations.
I need God to do that for me every day. When I think that I can’t do something, I need to faithfully take what little I can do and place it in His hands. And then I need to stand back and watch Him multiply my humble offering into something amazing.
What are you feeling like you can’t do today?
Take on a challenge God is calling you to?
Respond to a ministry opportunity even though it is scary?
Stay in a marriage that looks over from where you’re standing?
Persevere in your efforts to pay off debt?
Offer forgiveness to someone who hurt you?
Whatever it is, know this: you are right. You can’t do it. So bring whatever it is to Him. Picture yourself offering it up, just like that little boy’s lunch. Then stand back and prepare to be amazed.

Written by:Marybeth Whalen, for Proverbs 31 ministries

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Beautiful Invisible

I used to joke with a friend from college, especially when we would attend an event, "no one knows we're here." We would show up for gatherings or college concerts, and sometimes not even be noticed. Unspoken to. Back then it felt a bit funny to say to each other, "we're invisible." But, funny eventually wore off. Invisible is a lonely and somewhat dangerous place to be for anyone. I think the experience that is teaching me the most about this is motherhood.

I have three boys, who, together with my loving husband, am raising to be God fearing, men. Nearly five years of changing diapers every single day. Lots of baby love. Lots of baby talk. Plenty of goo-goo ga-ga's. They have become such an important part of my "why" in this world, and I believe being a wife, mother, and mostly a child of God is, perhaps one of the highest callings in life. But, motherhood, and striving to be a picture of a biblical woman can be draining some days.
Invisibility creeps in to cover your life. No one can see all that you do and the dreams that you dream. Except for God, He sees.

He sees me wonder through the night sometimes, re tucking baby blue sheets and lightening McQueen blankets. He stands with me when I match endless socks, cheering me on when I take the extra time to actually hang the clothes, instead of leaving them for the next day. He knows that I struggle with the monotony of one day after another, each one exhausting, and without measurable accomplishment. Not only does God see, but it has helped me to know that He is filled with great pride over my sacrifice and love. He watches how I care for those He has entrusted me with, I am sure of it. When I give to those who will forget to say thank you, all of heaven stands to applaud.

The life of a mom is laden with hidden sacrifice, and sometimes I wonder, do they have any idea how much I care for them? Do they know who folded their clothes, and swept the floor before they even came out of the bedroom for breakfast? Does anyone think that I am special? Does my heart matter to anyone, really?

I am sure that even as our children grow older, the weariness will change, but the invisible work will surely never end.

Before eating breakfast, taking a shower, or brushing my teeth today, I took at least ten little things to each of our boys' rooms that had been left around the house from last night, and organized my closet a bit. After I found the time to sip some coffee and eat a bite, it then was lunch time for our little ones. I fed  our children  and managed to fold two loads of clothes. Then, I put our two younger kids down for a much needed nap (rocking one and reading to the other) then cleaned up from breakfast and lunch. Invisible and unseen, at least here on earth. But so very noticed by God.

Sometimes I struggle with this thankless job called motherhood, and the truth is, it would be so much easier to work outside the home. But the reward and applause from heaven, and the pride I know my Lord has in me, far outweighs the "easiness" of any other job.

" Am I a God who is near," declares the Lord, "and not a God far off?"
"Can a man hide himself in hiding places so I can not see him?" declares the Lord. "Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?" declares the Lord.

----Jeremiah 23:23-24
May this encourage you, mothers, to strive to be "visible." Make each moment count for Christ. He is the author and the finisher of our faith----------Let us strive to have more of that very faith.

Glorifying Him; Our purpose, our mission


This Article was written by John Piper. I adore his writings, books, and interpretation of biblical truths. Please read this and enjoy. Pondering, perhaps, how everything points to Christ, and how glorifying Him forever and in all things, is our purpose in life, both eternal and here on earth.

How To Drink Orange Juice to the Glory of God

When I asked two weeks ago, "Is the Doctrine of Total Depravity Biblical" my answer was, Yes. And one thing I meant was that all of our actions (apart from saving grace) are morally ruined. In other words, everything an unbeliever does is sinful and thus unacceptable to God.
I said that one of my reasons for believing this comes from 1 Corinthians 10:31. "Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." I asked, "Is it sin to disobey this Biblical commandment?" Yes.
So I draw this somber conclusion: It is sin to eat or drink or do anything NOT for the glory of God. In other words, sin is not just a list of harmful things (killing, stealing, etc.). Sin is leaving God out of account in the ordinary affairs of your life. Sin is anything you do that you don't do for the glory of God.
But what do unbelievers do for the glory of God? Nothing. Therefore everything they do is sinful. That is what I mean by saying that, apart from saving grace, all we do is morally ruined.
Some of you then asked the practical question: Well, how do you "eat and drink" to the glory of God? Say, orange juice for breakfast?
One answer is found in 1 Timothy 4:3-5: "[Some] forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer."
Orange juice was "created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe the truth." Therefore, unbelievers cannot use orange juice for the purpose God intended—namely, as an occasion for heartfelt gratitude to God from a truth heart of faith.
But believers can, and this is how they glorify God. Their drinking orange juice is "sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer." The word of God teaches us that the juice, and even our strength to drink it, is a free gift of God (1 Corinthians 4:7; 1 Peter 4:11). The prayer is our humble response of thanks from the heart. Believing this truth in the word, and offering thanks in prayer is one way we drink orange juice to the glory of God.
The other way is to drink lovingly. For example, don't insist on the biggest helping. This is taught in the context of 1 Corinthians 10:33, "I try to please all men in everything I do, not seeking my own advantage, but that of many, that they may be saved" (RSV). "Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ" (1 Corinthians 11:1). Everything we do—even drinking orange juice—can be done with the intention and hope that it will be to the advantage of many that they may be saved.
Let us praise God that we have escaped by his grace from the total ruin of all our deeds. And let us do everything, whether we eat or drink, to the glory of our great God!

A Gift-From Wonderful Little Men

This morning I was blessed with cards, flowers, hugs, breakfast, and lots of love!
Among all of this, was a poem, written (mostly) by my loving husband. I hope you enjoy this oh so cute, endearing "love note" from the best little men on the planet!

Our Mommy is the Best!!

For the wonderful mommy you are,
Everyday you should get a gold star

For the amazing wifey I see,
I am so blessed to have you with me.

For all the laundry, for all the diapers,
For all the times we get a bit hyper;
For all the scrapes, bruises and cuts,
We are so glad that you love us so much!!!

We love our mommy, we love you so much,
We couldn't live without you,
Not even this (=) much.
You're the best in the world, The best ever made.
And..... you always smell great.

Even better than the best scent by Glade.

Your boys

Friday, May 6, 2011

Show her That you Care---With the Love of Christ

I wanted to post a few ideas for those of you who have not
purchased anything for "mom" yet.

These are a few of my favorites from http://www.christianbook.com/

I Love You Mom Ceramic Mug

Mothers Are a Gift From Above Trivet

Mothers Are a Gift From Above Pitcher

Be Still Purse Style Bible Cover, Black and White, Large
This is just a few of the things that I fell in love with.

A Homeschooling Journey

 In July, our family will begin our very first year of "structured" homeschooling.

We have been "homeschooling" from birth, simply because I believe homeschooling is more of a lifestyle, to be integrated in everyday; but, this year we will begin Kindergarten with our now four year old. We will also work on basic learning skills with our three year old, and one year old.

I have purchased our curriculum. We received the package just the other day, and I have to say, I am so so excited about this new, somewhat different journey.

There is just one little problem.

I am quite the particular type; organizing everything I see, wanting things to be "just so." We have a fifth bedroom, and we have been trying to remodel for some time now, mainly to convert this, use to be garage with no ventilation, not much insulation, and a wall left to be put up, into a lovely painted, decorated, warm, inviting place to learn and grow.

EEK!!!!!! none of this is done, and we are starting in July.

I am willing to use our dining room table for a few months, but, REALLY would like to get into this said room.

My mind is crazy with tons of ideas, but, I have somewhat of a blank canvas to work with.

I would love to see your homeschooling rooms/spaces. Send an email or post a comment with a link so we can all check out the great ideas given.

Loving Our Husbands-The way God intended

There is so much hatred in our culture.

Children claim to hate parents, the majority of society has little to no liking for authority or things that are to be held sacred , and dare I say, hates even the thought of someone like a husband ruling over, with loving leadership and authority.

This "cultural hatred" is so very dangerous for the Christian, and I think, most importantly for the Christian wife.

We, as wives are called to something far better, and quite the opposite of hatred for authority---namely, our husbands!! 

We are called to submit to our husbands, and to follow the leadership he provides (Ephesians 5:22)
This biblical truth goes against everything the world (ie: TV, Movies, Books etc.) tells us.

How we love and submit to the leadership, guidance, and provision of our husbands is in direct correlation to how we worship God.
We must make our husband a priority---he comes first after God.

We must love, honor, serve, and.... yes ladies, submit to him, as we are to do with our Lord.

 Yes, we can make his meals, do his laundry, etc. but if we do this with a disrespectful heart, hatred, and simply out of duty------it's pointless.

We must turn our hearts toward our husbands with love, respecting him all the way.

Lord, help us to love and respect our husbands and help to build them up to be the godly men. Help us to listen to your voice, to read your word, not letting this worldly culture influence our relationship with our God given leader.... Our husbands!


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If you have a product, company, blog, service, ebook, Etsy shop or Ebay store that you think would be of interest to my readers, I would be happy to consider you for advertising.

I am just getting started but this blog is intended to reach:
  • Christians
  • Women/Mothers/Wives/Daughters
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  • Homeschoolers/Interested in Homeschooling
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