If you ever feel that your marriage could be stronger or you feel your relationship needs a re-charge pick one that works for you and have fun!! I so believe that discovering ways to show love in YOUR SPOUSE'S LANGUAGE and re-discovering your FRIENDSHIP over and over again is what builds a strong marriage!
- CHOOSE TO ACT NOT RE-ACT. Isn't it so natural and easy to react to others - to become offended when someone is offensive?! To reflect shortness to someones being short or irritable? You cannot ever change others, but you have the power to choose how you act and love. Experiment with showing more love in the moment rather than just merely mirroring how they treat you - this is one of the hardest things for us humans to do.
- MIRROR & Toilet MESSAGES. Write a little love note on your bathroom mirror with lipstick or a dry erase marker. Or if you really feel like being crazy and doing something totally-out-of-the-ordinary, write on toilet paper with a permanent marker and lay out message on top of the toilet water :)
- SAY YOU'RE SORRY, before he does. I love the quote by Ruth Bell Graham: "A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers."
- DROP EVERYTHING. Try putting aside your eternal to-do lists just for a moment, and give your husband your sincere, undivided attention.
- INITIATE. Researchers report that sexual intimacy is the #1 need of Men in marriage - or the #1 way that they feel loved. Interestingly, men feel most fulfilled and loved only when they feel their spouse is eager and also fulfilled. So make it fun, try new things, initiate.
- TEXT HIM Surprise him with a spontaneous, flirty text or a sentence about why you are so grateful for him. Finding your own ways to connect during the day makes a difference.
- START A HOBBY TOGETHER. Find something you both would enjoy!
- PLAN A DATE NIGHT even it is in your own home when the kiddos are asleep (but I love it when we actually leave the house!). It’s so important to have that time to fall in love all over again - just the two of you. We usually keep it super simple and lots of times it doesn't officially happen - but any time together (without kids) make a huge difference.
- START A “LOVE JOURNAL” where you can write letters to each other, paste in notes you have both written, special memories, and such.
- KEEP YOURSELF ATTRACTIVE Maybe I'm the only one here, but I find it difficult to actually find time to shower and feel pretty each day- especially when I'm meeting the continual demands of my children! Whether it's throwing on some makeup, or finding some cute clothes that are actually clean :), or getting your hair done - it doesn't always happen but it does wonders for how we feel about ourselves.
- BREAKFAST IN BED a surprise breakfast in bed, that could be fun.
- FLIRT WITH HIM It's funny how we totally flirt while dating, but once we're married we can easily forget to be FUN! Just because you've snagged him, don't stop flirting. Try to bring it back.
- DON'T TRY TO BE HIS MOM Remember you are his wife, not his mother. Don't jump him every time he does something differently than you’d like. We likely all need this reminder often.
- TOUCH Physical touch can translate into love for a lot of men. So as you talk with him or pass by him.. think to touch him in someway.
- WRITE A FUN "LOVE NOTE". just leave a note somewhere where he'll find it. leave random, funny post it notes around the house.
- GIVE HIM A MASSAGE. I bet he would love a spontaneous head rub or go all out and give him a back rub with lotion.
- GRAB A KISS WHILE YOU WAIT Kiss your husband while you're waiting at the stoplight or in the food drive-through.
- BE AWARE OF EXITS & ENTRANCES As you and your husband say goodbyes and reunite again after a long day, be aware of how you show love during these important cross roads.
- TALK ABOUT HIS INTERESTS Bring up a subject that interests him and listen to him talk. Even if the subject doesn't interest you, enjoy watching him as he gets stirred up over the topic.
- SLOW DANCE in the kitchen when the kids go to bed. Actually, maybe dance in front of your kids!
- VERBALLY SHOW APPRECIATION IN FRONT OF HIS FAMILY. When with his family, for example, share sincere appreciation for what your husband does or who he is.
- SURPRISE GIFT. Surprise him with a fun gift of some kind that he’d really enjoy.
- CALM DOWN FIRST, THEN TALK. When you are in a moment of frustration, try taking some deep breathes, perhaps hold your tongue momentarily, and discuss it as soon as you feel more able to talk kindly. It's easy for humans to say hurtful, non-helpful things if they just react instantly in a heated moment.
- FIND SOME SANITY AT HOME. With four little one's, our house usually feels out of control :). And I need loads of help to keep things somewhat clean and organized! I do care about the environment of our home because it does affect EVERYONE, especially me and my ability to focus more on relationships.
Love your husband! Have fun enjoying one another! Be submissive and show him you want him, you need him, you are in so much love with him!

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