Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Purposeful Calling

Contrary to the popular thinking of Christianity today, the Lord did not reach down and save us from sin and death so that we might be merely happy, healthy and wealthy that is not our purpose. Those who teach this have invented another gospel! They portray a false Christ---the god of this age rather than the God of the Bible.

A gospel without the cross is no Gospel at all........

I, as a wife and mother, I long to serve my family and other's, but, sometimes I listen to the lies of the evil one. The thoughts I listen to often are "this wife and mother thing, is a joke. You have no purpose." 
or "you have a degree, what in the world are you doing home... you are making NO DIFFERENCE." 

There are many other lies, but the two above are the ones told to me more often than not. Most days I choose not to listen, but some days I succumb to the thoughts in my head! It's then more than ever I have to lean on Christ. He has a purpose for me, and this wife and mother thing is one of the greatest purposes under heaven.

God's purpose for us, from the moment He created us, has never changed. We have always been destined for the throne----created to rule with the One who created all things for himself.

I love serving my family! I love catering to my husband! I love seeing unselfish, kind, and loving fruits burst forth from our little one's! Seeing God's handy work, and knowing HE created me for a purpose, is refreshing. This truth gives me strength, it gives me passion to wake up and do it all over again! Christ has given all of us a purpose.
What is yours???

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