We all need rest. Rest is essential to thrive, to cope, and even...... to live!
If this said rest is essential, why do we, as wives, mother's and friends get so little of it?
It shouldn't be just a convenience that we squeeze into our schedules or an indulgence for those who aren't willing to work hard. We should have regular times of quiet and stillness, it is essential for our spiritual and biological well being!
Do you know (I'm sure you do) many members of the animal kingdom and plant species will hibernate or become dormant through the winter months in order to survive. We mothers humans, have more of a struggle remembering or even acknowledging these natural rhythms of life.
God knows all about our overzealous tendencies.
The maker of the universe rested. He created us to rest, in fact He commands us to set aside a day to rest each week, to pray, and rejuvenate.
If God himself thought it fitting to rest for ONE WHOLE DAY (after creating the world by the way) Why do we think we have the power to keep going, without rest or stillness to hear from our Lord???
In today's "hurry up" culture, families try (including my own) to do it all---- work, school, church, social events, and an endless array of swim meets, acting classes, and piano lessons. Life begins to feel like a runaway train.
Stop in your tracks today! Spend time with the one who created you to rest, rejuvenate, and hear from heaven!
"Come to me, all you who are weak and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)
The Master is calling you, my friend, to rest. Won't you hear His call today?
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