Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I get in the way

" I will be his father and he will be my son." 2 Samuel7:14

A Father's Job is to train his children to take on the world. 
The moment will come, all too soon, when your kids will walk away from the comforts of home and begin their own exciting journey into independence and adulthood. To prepare for that transition, your children desperately need your love, leadership and guidance throughout their growing-up years. 
A Father's role in raising these little one's is much different than a mother's, but, of course of no less importance. 

The impact and responsibility of dads in raising our babies cannot be over-estimated. Father's are in the very center of God's design for families. 

I get in the WAY!!!!!

I push sometimes, to raise my children without regard for my husband, the very one who had part in helping these kids come into this world! 
I am wrong.

I caudal sometimes, not wanting my husband to play too rough, or speak to firmly to our boys. THAT'S WHAT THEY NEED.... rough play and  firm godly discipline! I am doing our children a disservice if I get in the way of that.
I am wrong.

I ignore what he says sometimes, simply because I don't think what he is saying or doing is the right thing. I do this without talking to him, or making sure that what I am saying or doing is pleasing to him and our Lord. 
I am wrong.

I cut with my words sometimes. This one hurts me deep into my core. I have struggled with having the gentle quiet spirit mentioned in God's word all of my life........... all of my life!!!! I say things that are so harsh to the one I love most on this earth... my groom! I not only speak harshly but, I sometimes do this in front of our children. If they see mommy speaking to daddy in this manner why shouldn't they feel free to speak this way??? If I continue this, I will send them on a path full of hurt, disobedience, and guilt.
I am wrong.

I could list many more things, I'm sure! 

Maybe I am the only one who struggles with some of the things I mentioned above, but, if not... will you give these things to Christ? Allow Him to be your guide. Talk to your husband. Do not stand in his way. Let him lead you, your family, and your children. If you have boys, let them be rough, his firm manly discipline is exactly what they need..... let it happen! Don't try to be a god and control everything! God's all powerful, and believe me, He's got this... ;) 

What are you struggling with??? Are you letting your husband be a daddy?

Can I pray for you???

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