Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lost and Found

Today is a sitting in comfy chairs at the Y kinda day! Ooo, Ooo, or a nice breezy day at the beach?

Have you ever felt lost? like you have no idea what you are doing? like you want to just scream all the time? or just be alone for one full day? If you have NEVER felt this way, then I am alone.

My husband has been out of town for a few days. He has gone on business trips many many times before, but for some reason this one is horrible. Our youngest is of the age that he notices things or people when they are missing. His behavior for the past few days has consisted of screaming all over the house, with real tears... crying "daddy, daddy." Nothing I do is comforting him. Our 3 year old has been whining NON STOP, and our 5 year old just aggravates everyone. These actions are normal, but never as constant as they have been for almost 48 hours now.

I have held close a few scripture verses lately, that have helped so very much.

Psalm 34:18
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

(I feel like my heart is so very broken, and my spirit is beyond crushed) I miss my husband (even when he is gone for this short time) and feel like a piece of me is missing, I am sure our children feel this same way!

Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I have needed this peace that I know comes from only Christ.

I hope and pray you are comforted by the reality of this. I know sometimes we feel (or at least I feel) lost, alone, out of control and in need of the heavy hand of Christ to lift us up and hold us close. Let Him do that for you today. I am still learning daily what that looks like, and will continue to humble myself in the presence of our Lord.

Many Blessings

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A New Room - A New Journey

Ahhhh, a sigh of relief! Our homeschool is finally ready for learning, and we learned so much about God's creation yesterday. Take a look at our new room, we are all excited about this journey, and can't wait to see what God will do this year!

  The Reading area, minus a rug, some pillows, and the rain gutter shelving we will put in soon.

I would love to see your homeschool pictures.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Paste for Teeth ;)

I ran across this recipe and thought it to be very interesting. I am not so sure that I will use it, but I thought some of you would enjoy even the idea. The blog entry is from http://www.passionatehomemaking.com/2008/08/going-fluoride-free.html 

Have you thought much about fluoride? This lovely product is added to many water supplies and toothpaste. Dentists supposedly say it prevents tooth decay. When I discovered this product has been banned from adding to water in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Austria, France and The Netherlands, I questioned why it is still being promoted as a healthy product here in the States.
Andreas Schuld describes fluoride as follows in an article on the Weston Price Foundation:
“Fluoride is any combination of elements containing the fluoride ion. In its elemental form, fluorine is a pale yellow, highly toxic and corrosive gas. In nature, fluorine is found combined with minerals as fluorides. It is the most chemically active nonmetallic element of all the elements and also has the most reactive electro-negative ion. Because of this extreme reactivity, fluorine is never found in nature as an uncombined element.”
Highly toxic? Corrosive gas? I am not sure about you, but that concerns me. These references are referring to the addition of fluoride to most water systems in the US, but there is another form of fluoride that is added to your average container of toothpaste.

Fluoride Deception

You might be interested in checking out these videos…
Fluoride Deception – interesting video on harm of fluoride
Cure Tooth Decay
– can tooth decay be related to what kind of food you eat?
Fluoride Alert – professionals sign document to end fluoride in water due to its toxic content. Two interesting videos about fluoride.

Fluoride Free Alternatives

Fluoride is added to most toothpastes you will find in the store, and although your consumption may be minimal, it is something to consider. Finding flouride-free toothpaste is a spendy pursuit, costing up to $5 per small tube. Sodium lauryl sulfate is included in most natural toothpastes, which is the foaming agent that is added to toothpaste and other bathroom products. There is much controversy whether it is safe as well, so I am seeking to avoid, if possible, and stick to the ingredients that are safe to consume, especially for the little one, as she very well may swallow it.
Here are a few alternatives:
Toothsoap – I have not tried this, but have heard many rave reviews from others. The ingredients are all natural, based upon coconut oil, olive oil and a few other products. The price might sound a bit high at first but I have been told a tube lasts three months for a family of four. Toothsoap is preferred over natural toothpastes because not only does it not contain fluoride but it also does not have sodium lauryl sulfate.
I reviewed the list of ingredients and I thought…why not? These are simple enough to combine together at home. I wanted a toothpaste with quality ingredients that I had on hand, without spending too much on a tube of toothsoap. Here is what I came up with:

Homemade Toothsoap Recipe #1

You can actually just us Dr. Bronner’s as a natural toothpaste, but the texture is very liquidy and very powerful in taste (soap here we come!). Definitely not something the hubby or baby would like. I tried mellowing and sweetening it a bit with these ingredients and all are quite satisfied!  Still under a little experimentation. This recipe provided a nice moist but thicker consistency than Dr. Bronner’s alone.
1 Tbsp Dr. Bronners castile liquid soap or any natural castile liquid soap -  contains coconut, olive, palm oils – we use Baby Mild unscented (because it is more versatile for us, and covers multiply uses in one product) and then flavor with an essential oil or two
5 Tbsp coconut oil
1 Tbsp or more olive oil or water – to get the consistency you want – this makes it pourable to put in the soap dispenser
Essential oil (20-25 drops), I use orange and peppermint together, as peppermint alone is a little strong for me, but you can use whatever combination you like. If using Peppermint Dr Bronner’s soap, you can skip this altogether.
Stevia, or  to sweeten to your taste – a few dashes or so works
Warning: Do not test this product more than a few times at a time or just a dab at a time, or else you can burn your mouth (if using peppermint oil/soap), as I experienced. Best to taste by putting it on a toothbrush and brushing your teeth, as flavor is a bit different from just tasting the toothpaste directly.
I store mine in a new soap dispenser in our bathroom. No scooping it up, just pump it out right onto your toothbrush. No messes in the draw from spilled sticky toothpaste tubes either!

Homemade Toothpaste Recipe #2

1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup vegetable glycerin
1 Tbsp castile liquid soap
A few drops peppermint, anise, wintergreen essential oil, optional
dash of stevia or  xylitol
Combine ingredients with a hand mixer or by hand as desired. Store in a old toothpaste dispenser by cutting the end off and filling with your toothpaste. Seal the end with masking tape until it is ready for a re-fill.
Both of these recipes work well for cleaning your teeth and are completely safe and natural…so no fear for the little ones! Just make sure to only give them a little dab on the toothbrush because the ingesting essential oils is the only concern here. So please use less essential oils if you are concerned.
Other fluoride free toothpastes on the market:
Tom’s of Maine Fluoride Free Toothpaste – they sell a children’s brand as well.
Trader Joe’s Fluoride Free/SLS free toothpaste – this is a very inexpensive alternative if you have access to TJ’s!
Nature’s Gate Fluoride Free Toothpaste

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sweepin' up Cheerios

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

                                                1 Corinthians 10:31

I heard this song a few months ago and started weeping almost immediately. Not at all a ballad or love song, but shows, with music and lyrics how we are to do all things to the glory of our Creator, Jesus Christ! Sometimes... well, most of the time I feel like my job as a mother and wife isn't as important as most. I pick up everything off the floors, only for it to be messy again in about 60 seconds flat. I finally get all the laundry done, only to find a secret load hiding in our boys' room. I plan out our meal for the evening, and forget to take out the meat. All of these negative things have a tendency to hinder me from being joyful in the service I am doing for our Lord. Although I don't think my job is important, it is the most important job I could ever do. I wouldn't have it any other way, and it is the highest calling we have as mothers and wives! Don't let the evil one steal that from you. Pick up socks and sweep up cheerios to the glory of God.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fall into Autumn

Is it “autumn”, or is it “fall”? What do you call it?

Whatever it will be called, it is so close to being right in our back yard.
The colorful leaves, the crisp air, the bon fires that light up our neighborhood, and the snuggly sweat shirts we get to wear and dress our children in!

I would love to be more traditional; Like the families that have been doing the same holiday things for hundreds of years. Sadly, I am not like these people, as much as I would like to be. I would, however, love to start a family specific tradition this year!
The idea of apple picking, decorating our house with the colors of fall, pumpkin carving, or making crafts out of leaves, really appeals to me!But, I am in desperate need of some time management skills. We have three small children, and are pregnant with our fourth. Where do I find the time for these things mentioned, along with many more???  Maybe those of you with larger or similar family sizes can help a mama out ;)

I would love to hear about your family traditions, fall, autumn, or otherwise.

Friday, September 2, 2011

This "Y" Sanctuary

I LOVE to read. After having Three (almost 4) children I haven't had much time to do so, but, I have found a sanctuary! YMCA is not only good for my physical health, it's also here to provide sanity for my mental and spiritual health too! Often times I will drop my children off at the daycare  they provide and walk about five feet to the lobby. Comfy leather chairs and couches await me hugging my growing pregnant body a little closer these days, but nonetheless, oh so comfy! I settle in for coffee, reading, blogging, praying, or, some days just observing the different people who come in and out.
Yesterday was one of the "observing" days! I often notice a large group of women settle in around 8:30 or so! The laughter is almost deafening, but so nice to hear. These women chat about the most random things. "These shirts are on sale for thirty dollars" "have you read this book yet" "oh hi Sally, we sure did miss you yesterday" "let me share this recipe with you" (etc) I, of course pretending to read, listen and smile the whole time they talk.
These ladies, fit with high waisted pants skimming just above the ankles, silver hair, glasses, and what seems to be wedding rings that can only be cut off make me think: Will I be part of a group like this someday? Will I be talking about recipes, and things that make me laugh? Will I have worn this wedding ring so long that it needs to be cut off? I can only pray these things will happen. I long to be close with godly women. My heart often aches for fruitful accountability, for lasting "Titus 2" relationships! This scripture teaches us to teach and learn from other women (and men from men)
These women, seemingly, were teaching and learning from one another! It made me realize how important this is to me, and should be to all women who seek the truth.
The "Y" is my sanctuary. My place to observe interactions between women, and men who love each other. What is your sanctuary? Where do you find your quiet? How do you reflect on the things of God? What is He telling you today?

Many Blessings

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

On Pause

To all my faithful readers;

I am so very sorry I haven't been consistant in my writing! We recently found out that we are expecting our fourth child! I have been a bit sick with this baby.

I will be back to my normal posts soon! Don't give up....

Many blessings

Friday, July 22, 2011

Piper on Womanhood

I love the way John Piper describes biblical, christian womanhood. Listen and enjoy!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Motherhood is a Calling (And where your kids rank)

This was such a blessing to me I pray it is equally so for you too. Many blessings to you all!

A few years ago, when I just had four children and when the oldest was still three, I loaded them all up to go on a walk. After the final sippy cup had found a place and we were ready to go, my two-year-old turned to me and said, “Wow! You have your hands full!”
She could have just as well said, “Don’t you know what causes that?” or “Are they all yours?!”
Everywhere you go, people want to talk about your children. Why you shouldn’t have had them, how you could have prevented them, and why they would never do what you have done. They want to make sure you know that you won’t be smiling anymore when they are teenagers. All this at the grocery store, in line, while your children listen.

A Rock-Bottom Job?

The truth is that years ago, before this generation of mothers was even born, our society decided where children rank in the list of important things. When abortion was legalized, we wrote it into law.
Children rank way below college. Below world travel for sure. Below the ability to go out at night at your leisure. Below honing your body at the gym. Below any job you may have or hope to get. In fact, children rate below your desire to sit around and pick your toes, if that is what you want to do. Below everything. Children are the last thing you should ever spend your time doing.
If you grew up in this culture, it is very hard to get a biblical perspective on motherhood, to think like a free Christian woman about your life, your children. How much have we listened to partial truths and half lies? Do we believe that we want children because there is some biological urge, or the phantom “baby itch”? Are we really in this because of cute little clothes and photo opportunities? Is motherhood a rock-bottom job for those who can’t do more, or those who are satisfied with drudgery? If so, what were we thinking?

It's Not a Hobby

Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling. You do not collect children because you find them cuter than stamps. It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for.
Christian mothers carry their children in hostile territory. When you are in public with them, you are standing with, and defending, the objects of cultural dislike. You are publicly testifying that you value what God values, and that you refuse to value what the world values. You stand with the defenseless and in front of the needy. You represent everything that our culture hates, because you represent laying down your life for another—and laying down your life for another represents the gospel.
Our culture is simply afraid of death. Laying down your own life, in any way, is terrifying. Strangely, it is that fear that drives the abortion industry: fear that your dreams will die, that your future will die, that your freedom will die—and trying to escape that death by running into the arms of death.

Run to the Cross

But a Christian should have a different paradigm. We should run to to the cross. To death. So lay down your hopes. Lay down your future. Lay down your petty annoyances. Lay down your desire to be recognized. Lay down your fussiness at your children. Lay down your perfectly clean house. Lay down your grievances about the life you are living. Lay down the imaginary life you could have had by yourself. Let it go.
Death to yourself is not the end of the story. We, of all people, ought to know what follows death. The Christian life is resurrection life, life that cannot be contained by death, the kind of life that is only possible when you have been to the cross and back.
The Bible is clear about the value of children. Jesus loved them, and we are commanded to love them, to bring them up in the nurture of the Lord. We are to imitate God and take pleasure in our children.

The Question Is How

The question here is not whether you are representing the gospel, it is how you are representing it. Have you given your life to your children resentfully? Do you tally every thing you do for them like a loan shark tallies debts? Or do you give them life the way God gave it to us—freely?
It isn’t enough to pretend. You might fool a few people. That person in line at the store might believe you when you plaster on a fake smile, but your children won’t. They know exactly where they stand with you. They know the things that you rate above them. They know everything you resent and hold against them. They know that you faked a cheerful answer to that lady, only to whisper threats or bark at them in the car.
Children know the difference between a mother who is saving face to a stranger and a mother who defends their life and their worth with her smile, her love, and her absolute loyalty.

Hands Full of Good Things

When my little girl told me, “Your hands are full!” I was so thankful that she already knew what my answer would be. It was the same one that I always gave: “Yes they are—full of good things!”
Live the gospel in the things that no one sees. Sacrifice for your children in places that only they will know about. Put their value ahead of yours. Grow them up in the clean air of gospel living. Your testimony to the gospel in the little details of your life is more valuable to them than you can imagine. If you tell them the gospel, but live to yourself, they will never believe it. Give your life for theirs every day, joyfully. Lay down pettiness. Lay down fussiness. Lay down resentment about the dishes, about the laundry, about how no one knows how hard you work.
Stop clinging to yourself and cling to the cross. There is more joy and more life and more laughter on the other side of death than you can possibly carry alone.
Rachel Jankovic is a wife, homemaker, and mother. She is the author of "Loving the Little Years" and blogs at Femina. Her husband is Luke, and they have five children: Evangeline (5), Daphne (4), Chloe (2), Titus (2), and Blaire (5 months).
Recent post from Rachel Jankovic —

Monday, July 11, 2011

Loving Him

I think most days I take my precious husband for granted. He is gone sometimes for work and it isn't [usually] until then, that I really really am grateful for the man that God has blessed me with! Do any of you feel this way?

I have been pregnant only for 6 weeks now, and have been so so sick. During my sickness my wonderful husband has kept up with most of my household duties, and I am so very thankful for that. He is my hero, my best friend, my leader, and my lover!

Thank your husband today, show him that you care... make his favorite meal! Show him your love daily, not just when he is away.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Good Wife's Guide

I love love love this from Time Warp Wife's blog. I don't always do these things, but I would love to strive for this daily! Many blessings to all of you. Hope you enjoy

I came across a copy of "The Good Wife's Guide" the other day. It looked to be a photocopy of an article published by "Housekeeping Monthly," in May of 1955, but upon closer inspection, I got to wondering if the article might be a hoax. I recognized the photo as one I had previously seen on the cover of John Bull Magazine.

Wikipedia writes, "According to snopes.com, the wording "The Advertising Archives" located on the right side of the image suggests a fraud, since the Archives itself was not started until 1990." So was it an email hoax? More than likely it was.

I got to reading the satirical article and so many of the points that it had were the same ones I stress throughout the contents of my blog, and in particular a post I wrote titled, "My Desire for Curb Appeal." I clicked through several of the links, and nearly everywhere the guide was posted, it was up for much ridicule. The sad thing in all of this is that our role as a help-meet is being diminished by popular opinions that would rather scoff at good family values than face the truth of God’s word.
“Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.” Ephesians 5:22-24, (NIV)
I’ve decided to resurrect the “Good Wife’s Guide” in my own words, and according to the role that I hope to fulfill in my life. It is no longer a satirical piece written to mock the role of a help-meet, but rather a guide that leads women toward a noble character and good family values. It’s time that we took a stand for family values that serve to grow and protect the family unit as God divinely designed it to be.

Let’s get started ladies!
  • Take a look in the mirror an hour before your husband comes home to ensure that you are presentable. An hour allows ample time to hop into the shower if need be.
  • Go light on the perfume, but use great smelling soaps, shampoo, and antiperspirant so he’ll want to snuggle up for the evening.
  • If you wear makeup, put a little on before he walks in. Your goal is to look happy and radiant--not done up.
  • Dress in feminine clothing. Men are attracted to women, not fashion, so do your best to wear styles, fabrics and colors that remind him you’re a woman and not another one of the guys. Dress as well for him as you would for new friends.
  • Have all chores done before he walks in the door, and try to have things like the dishwasher and vacuum turned off.
  • Put aside your problems and be cheerful when he walks in the door.
  • Make your bed every morning so he has a comfortable place to rest at night or upon returning from work.
  • Ensure that the television and stereos are turned off so that the house is peaceful.
  • If the kids are excited about something, encourage them to wait about 15 minutes before they share their news.
  • Prepare dinner before he arrives. There’s nothing quite like the smell of home cooking when you walk in the door—especially when you’re cooking the food he likes.
  • Have the pots and pans washed ahead of time so that the kitchen is every bit as presentable as the meal.
  • If you have problems to deal with, wait until after dinner to spring it on him. Husbands are happier when their tummies are full.
  • Greet him at the door with open arms, a kiss, and a warm embrace.
  • Make an effort to look at him when he is speaking so that he has your full attention.
  • Close the computer if you’re on it, and if you’re chatting on the phone try to end the conversation and call her back later.
  • Have the children tidy up the front entrance when they arrive from school. Backpacks, jackets and gym bags make for an untidy greeting.
  • Do your best to have the house clean and organized at all times. He is working hard outside the home and needs home to be his haven of rest.
  • Don’t be angry if he’s working late, instead show appreciation for long hours put in.
  • Have the kids wash their faces, and change their clothing if they are soiled from play before Daddy comes home.
  • Don’t nag him or try to reshape his bad habits. Work on your own and practice acceptance at all times.
  • It is imperative that you defend your husband to your children and that they respect him at all times. Never allow them to grumble or complain about him whether he’s present or not.
  • Don’t compare him to other women’s husbands or to your father when it comes to your definition of a man. Love and respect go a lot farther than criticism ever will.
"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. ~ Proverbs 31:10"

Saturday, July 2, 2011

God Shed His Grace

I can not begin to express how thankful and grateful I am, that our Almighty Father in Heaven saw it fit to shed His matchless grace upon this great country! We are a blessed nation! May we not forget that on this Independance Day. May we, as mothers, wives, friends, and women of God turn our eyes and our hearts to the very One who has made our nation free... May we be a nation who refuses to be any less than grateful!!! Praying you enjoy this wonderful song; that you listen, really listen!!!
Many Blessings to you and your family!

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern impassioned stress
A thoroughfare of freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!

O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife.
Who more than self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!

O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for halcyon skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the enameled plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till souls wax fair as earth and air
And music-hearted sea!

O beautiful for pilgrims feet,
Whose stem impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till paths be wrought through
wilds of thought
By pilgrim foot and knee!

O beautiful for glory-tale
Of liberating strife
When once and twice,
for man's avail
Men lavished precious life!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till selfish gain no longer stain
The banner of the free!

O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till nobler men keep once again
Thy whiter jubilee!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wonderful Tips and Ideas


How do you manage to homeschool, take care of your house and have young children without the house looking like a toy store, art store and grocery store blew up? -Jessica
Great question, Jessica!
I think many people have this unrealistic picture that I just sit around in this perfectly clean and organized home and do geography lessons, hands-on science experiments and read for hours on end with my three children with nary an interruption or mess.
Truth be told, we have plenty of messes. There are days when I never make it out of my pajamas and it seems like while I’m cleaning up one mess, the children are in the other room making an even bigger mess.
I love being a mom. I love homeschooling. But that doesn’t mean that it’s easy. Not by a long stretch. There are days when I want to pull my hair out. There are many days when I feel so overwhelmed with the responsibility of training and raising three children. There are days when I just want to give up and give in.
But, I’m slowly learning and growing as a mom. Learning what works and what doesn’t work. Learning to rely upon the Lord more. And, most of all, learning to let go of my expectations and my perfectionism.
There are many moms who are much farther along in their mothering journey who likely have much more wisdom to share, but here are a few things I’ve found to be tremendously helpful:

1) Accept the Fact That It Will Be Never Perfect

One of the quotes from The Sane Woman’s Guide to Raising a Large Family that I loved was, “Embrace the Chaos”. This has helped me so much.
Children are being raised, trained and nurtured in our home and this means that it’s not going to be perfect — or even close. Messes, spills, sticky peanut butter fingerprints are inevitable. When I let go of perfectionism and accept that this life of mine isn’t going to be all neat and tidy all the time, I’m a much more relaxed and cheerful mom.

2) Ask God for Patience

Many days, I feel overwhelmed and incapable of doing this mothering thing. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done and it forces me to my knees on a very regular basis to ask the Lord to help me. I try to start each day with time reading God’s Word and praying asking the Lord to please give me patience, love and joy as I teach and care for my children. I need His help and grace every moment of every day!

3) Have a Plan

I’m not a fan of rigid, regimented schedules. They just don’t work for this fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of girl.
A routine, however, is a lifesaver for me. Having on paper set blocks of time for our main priorities in each day has been very beneficial to me. We get more done, life is more organized and instead of having to worry about what we’re going to do next, we just do the next thing on our routine list.
We’re always tweaking our routine (and that’s the beauty of it!), but here’s how our summer schedule currently looks for us:
I wake up sometime between 5:30 and 6:00 a.m. I read my Bible, pray, read for 10 minutes from my current book, exercise, blog for a bit, take a shower and get dressed.
Our day “officially” starts at 8 a.m. Sometimes the children wake up before then and, if so, they have free time until 8 a.m. At 8 a.m., we have breakfast, read our Bible devotional together and work on our Bible memory verses.
8:30 all the children take baths, get dressed and get their hair fixed.
9:00 is chore time. This is when I do the bulk of the house cleaning. I have daily chores that I do on a daily basis (clean the kitchen, wipe down the counter tops, clean up my room, etc.) and day-of-the-week chores that I do once a week.
The girls are responsible for their room and bathroom, plus they help out with emptying trashes and vacuuming. Once they get their chores done, they can play until 10:00.
10:00 is homeschooling time. We do My Father’s World, Math, Reading and Penmanship (we’re already finished with History, Art and Science until the fall) around the kitchen table.
Kaitlynn and Silas listen in and work on busy bags, coloring, bean-scooping, etc. I have a big tub with activities that I rotate for them to do. They usually only stick with one activity for 10-15 minutes, so I stop and get them set up with something else as needed.
Kathrynne usually doesn’t finish up all her work during this time so she’ll work on finishing it up after lunch.
11:00 is read-aloud time (during the school year, we bump this time to the afternoon and continue homeschool time here). I read a few picture books and then a few chapters from our current read-aloud book. The children often play with Legos on the living room floor while I read. I’ve found that they seem to listen better when their hands are busy.

11:45 the children can go outside to play in the backyard while I switch the laundry, make lunch and check in on blogging stuff.
12:30 is lunch time. If we’re still in the middle of an exciting part in our read-aloud, I’ll often read again during part of lunch.
1:30 is quiet time. Silas goes down for a nap, Kaitlynn reads books in her room (usually falling asleep) and Kathrynne reads or plays quietly (or finishes up her school work). I do most of my blogging during this time. In the fall, Kathrynne will be working on finishing up her homework during this time, plus reading.
3:00 (or whenever Silas wakes up) is snack time. If the children have all their chores and Kathrynne has all her school done done, they are free to play until dinner. They sometimes play very nicely, other times, it’s complete chaos… we’re still working on that. :) I get dinner made, pick up, fold and put a load of laundry away and finish up any blogging/computer tasks if I have time or need to.
6:00 is dinner time. We usually take our time around the table, talking about the day, getting into rousing discussions, etc. Dinner sometimes lingers until 7:30 or later. After dinner, we quickly clean up, the children get their jammies on and teeth brushed and then we have our family Bible Time. After that, the children go to bed.
8:30 is our time as a couple. Sometimes, we have an “at-home date night” complete with a movie and some sort of treat. Sometimes, we both have projects to work on so we’ll just hang out in the same room with our laptops (the glamorous life of both being self-employed!). Other times, we just talk.
10:30 to 11:00 is typically lights out. Yes, we’re “early birds” like that — and sometimes I konk out soon after the kiddos go to bed! (I’ve always wished I could be one of those people who thrives on 5 1/2 hours of sleep. But alas, I’ve learned need at least 6 1/2 to 7 hours every night — preferably a little more! — to function well.)

4) Focus on One Habit at a Time

It’s so easy to want to change our homes and selves overnight. But that’s entirely unrealistic.
We all have areas we need to grow and improve in. We all have things we want to instill in our children. But none of us can do it all at once.
One thing I’ve found to be very helpful is to make a list of all the areas I want to work on and then just choose one area to focus on for three months. Instead of trying to get up earlier, make healthier meals, exercise, read more and learn how to knit all in the same month, pace yourself and pick the highest priority goal first. Once you feel like you’ve somewhat mastered it, add in something else.
Slow and gradual improvements tend to be much more long-lasting — and much less exhausting!

5) Give Yourself Grace

Superwoman is a myth. No woman does everything and every woman has her areas she struggles with.
Having a plan for our day has helped me tremendously, but nothing ever goes perfectly according to plan. There are always unexpected interruptions, messes, children with bad attitudes and many, many disruptions to each day.
I used to beat myself up that I wasn’t as organized and efficient as I wanted to be. But I started realizing how unproductive this was as it only served to discourage me.
I’m slowly learning to give myself grace. When I’m tired, I’m learning to choose sleep over a spotlessly clean kitchen. When I’m feeling burnt out, I’m learning to let myself not worry about blogging or laundry for a few hours and just go do something fun with the children, with my husband or with a friend.
Life is meant to be enjoyed and savored not run through at breakneck speed. Take time to stop and smell the roses, even if it means fewer things get crossed off the to-do list!

Originally written on moneysavingmoms.com

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Selfish Marriage

This is a wonderful article. The topic of selfishness, and what the bible says has been on my mind for quite some time. This entry speaks of the selfishness in marriage, and how it will destroy your marriage and your life! I pray you are blessed by this. That your heart is softened. That your marriage is changed.

Many Blessings

By Dennis and Barbara Rainey
Maintaining harmony in marriage has been difficult since Adam and Eve. Two people trying to go their own selfish, separate ways can never hope to experience the oneness of marriage as God intended. The prophet Isaiah portrayed the problem accurately more than 2,500 years ago when he described basic human selfishness like this: "All of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way"  (Isaiah 53:6).

Selfishness is possibly the most dangerous threat to oneness in marriage. It affects how we talk to each other, how we divide responsibilities in the home, how we resolve conflicts, and even how we spend our time. Men stubbornly ignore the needs of their wives. They prefer fishing or hunting or playing golf, or even spending an extra hour or two at the office. I once met a pastor who frequented Christian bookstores and libraries for the sole purpose of avoiding his wife. And I have counseled women who spend countless hours shopping, not for their families but to avoid responsibilities at home and to gratify themselves.

Just how do we avoid reaping the bitter fruit of selfishness in a marriage?

Surrender is the key
In our first years of marriage I (Dennis) was more than a bit selfish. After being single for 25 years, I was skilled at looking out for my own needs. But when I took Barbara as my wife, I assumed a new responsibility—loving Barbara as Christ loved the church. That demanded death to self, but my “self” didn’t want to “die.”

After we were married, it didn’t take Barbara long to learn about my genuine 14-carat tendency to be lazy, which was closely linked to my enjoyment of television. I thought Saturdays were mine to thoroughly enjoy as I pleased. Following the pattern I’d learned from my dad, I would get soft drinks and chips, crawl into my chair, and settle down to watch hours of baseball, football, tennis, golf—it didn’t matter what the sport. I just wanted to become a giant amoeba, a blob of molecules with flat brain waves mesmerized by hours of boob tube gazing. What was wrong with this picture? Barbara needed my help in doing tasks and running errands.

Read more at Growthtrac Defeating Selfishness in Your Marriage, Christian Marriage Articles - Growthtrac http://www.growthtrac.com/artman/publish/selfishness-marriage-1317.php
Marriage offers a tremendous opportunity to do something about selfishness. Someone may say, “There is no hope; I can’t get him to change,” or “What’s the use? She’ll never be any different.” Barbara and I know there is hope because we learned to apply a plan that is bigger than human self-centeredness. Through principles taught in Scripture, we have learned how to set aside our selfish interests for the good of each other as well as for the profit of our marriage.

Willing to be last
We have seen the Bible’s plan work in our lives, and we’re still seeing it work daily. Barbara hasn’t changed me nor have I changed her. God has changed both of us.

The answer for ending selfishness is found in Jesus and His teachings. He showed us that instead of wanting to be first, we must be willing to be last. Instead of wanting to be served, we must serve. Instead of trying to save our lives, we must lose them. We must love our neighbors (our spouses) as much as we love ourselves. In short, if we want to defeat selfishness, we must give up, give in, and give all.

If we live our lives for ourselves, thinking only of our selfish desires and interests, in the end God gives us exactly what we want: ourselves.

Marriage provides the opportunity to live life for someone else and to avoid this terrible conclusion: “All I’ve got is me. I can’t depend on anyone else.”

The parable of the porcupines
What we need the most is to be in a relationship with another person who accepts us as we are and doesn't reject us. But the closer I get to Barbara, the more she becomes aware of who I really am and the possibility of her rejecting me grows even greater.

A well-known story catches the pain of the human dilemma when it compares relating to each other to the predicament of two porcupines freezing in the winter cold. Shivering in the frigid air, the two porcupines move closer together to share body heat and warmth. But then their sharp spines and quills prick each other painfully and they move apart, victims once more of the bitter cold around them. Soon they feel they must come together once more, or freeze to death. But their quills cause too much pain and they have to part again.

Many marriages are just like that. We can't stand the cold (isolation from each other) but we desperately need to learn how to live with the sharp barbs and quills that are part of coming together in oneness.

The key to dealing with the barbs and quills that come from selfishness is learning you have to depend on someone else because you have no other choice. To experience oneness, you must give up your will for the will of another. But to do this, you must first give up your will to Christ, and then you will find it possible to give up your will for that of your spouse.

Unless you can give up your will and learn to depend on each other, selfishness will disable or destroy your marriage as you face the difficulties that are bound to occur.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Thought "Provoking"

Here are 25 ways parents provoke their children to anger:

1. Lack of marital harmony.

2. Establish and maintaining a child-centered home.

3. Modeling sinful anger.

4. Habitually disciplining while angry.

5. Scolding.

6. Being inconsistent with discipline.

7. Having double standards.

8. Being legalistic.

9. Not admitting you're wrong and not asking for forgiveness.

10. Constantly finding fault.

11. Parents Reversing God-given roles (ex:wives leading homes).

12. Not listening to your child's opinion or taking his or her 'side of the story' seriously.

13. Comparing them to others

14. Not making time 'just to talk'

15. Not praising or encouraging your child.

16. Failing to keep your promises.

17. Chastening in front of others.

18. Not allowing enough freedom.

19. Allowing too much freedom.

20. Mocking your child.

21. Abusing them physically.

22. Ridiculing or name calling.

23. Unrealistic expectations

24. Practicing Favoritism

25. Child training with worldly methodologies inconsistent with God's Word.

Enjoy your children! Cherish them as the blessings God has so graciously given to you! I know the above is a lot, and quite overwhelming to read; but I challenge you all (and myself) to look at these things. Are you honoring God with your mothering?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Coming Soon

(I love this painting)
The Lord has blessed us yet again!!!!
We will be adding another precious blessing. The due date is TBA, but I am thinking sometime around late February or March!!! We are so so excited. Thank you all for your prayers and support!!!
Many Blessings!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Humble Washing

Our VBS (Vacation Bible School) is under way and going so very well! I want to share a sweet sweet story with all of my readers!

Yesterday I taught on Love. One of the stories that was told was from a passage in Luke 7:36-38,44-48. This story is familiar to most. It speaks of a woman (Mary) who loved Jesus so much. She washed His feet with sweet smelling (very expensive) oils and perfumes. She showed so much humility and so much love. I have always enjoyed this story, simply because it challenges me to love deeply.

While in class, we (the co-teachers and I) set the stage to show so much love to these children (children who may not even know who Jesus is) We filled large bowls with soapy, warm water, and played soft music. As the music played each one of us bent down and began washing "feet" (hands for time sake) Praying aloud for each child. I made sure to tell each precious one how much Jesus loved them, and how much I love them too! By the third hand washing, I was weeping! This exercise was such a blessing to me, and I pray these children remember this, and know the love of Christ, and the love I and the other teachers have for them all!!! Many blessings to you all

Monday, June 20, 2011

Words that Heal

“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
Proverbs 18:21 (NIV)

I was searching in my husband’s sock drawer when I found a familiar thick white envelope. I put on my glasses, sat at my vanity and started reading.
Tears followed.
“Dad, you are my hero.” Ryan penned these words the day my husband, Richard, finished graduate school. The words in the three pages revealed a young man who was not afraid to open his heart and let his dad see inside.
Reading the letter once again made me want to write a letter to my son. I wanted to tell him that I remembered when he was a little boy and he offered drive-by kisses as he ran past. I desired to tell him that when I was an exhausted mother to three toddlers his lopsided smile and Kermit the Frog belly laugh made me happy to be a mom.
I longed to tell him that I remembered when he walked behind me, trying to gain my attention with “Mom, Mom, Mama!” I wanted to share that I was sorry when I wasn’t as patient as I should have been.
Most of all I wanted to let him know how proud I was of him as a man and how I saw many of the same beautiful traits of his father emerging in him.
Why do we leave such precious words unsaid? Words that heal. Words that share the way we feel. Words that become treasures one day when words are all that remain.
Today’s key verse from Proverbs 18:21 reminds us that the power isn’t in the tongue as a muscle, but in the words that fall from the tongue. We often talk about the negative words we should hold back, but what about the words that we can freely offer to those we care about?
Those are powerful words, indeed.
Dear Lord, scripture is filled with words that remind me of Your love. May my tongue be used to affirm, to encourage, to lift up, and to share simple words that say “I love you” to the treasured people You put in my life.
Shared with you by: Proverbs31 ministries

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Praying for Our Children

Jesus prayed to His Father. Jesus prayed for His disciples. Jesus prays for you and me. How much more should we pray for our children.

I will pray for my children:

1. That they will know Christ early in life. Psalm 63:1; 2 Timothy 3:15

2. That they will hate sin. Psalm 97:10

3. That they will be caught when guilty. Psalm 119:71

4. That they will be protected from the evil one in each area of their lives; spiritual, emotional, physical. John 17:15

5. That they have a responsible attitude in all their personal relationships.
Daniel 6:3

6. That they will respect those in authority over them. Romans 13:1

7. That they will desire the right kind of friends and be protected from the wrong friends. Proverbs 1:10-11

8. That they will be kept from the wrong mate and saved for the right one.
2 Corinthians 6:14-17

9. That they, as well as those they marry, will be kept pure.
1 Corinthians 6:18-20

10. That they will learn to totally submit to God and actively resist Satan in all circumstances. James 4:7

11. That they will be single-hearted, willing to be sold out to Jesus Christ.
Romans 12:1-2

12. That they will be hedged in so they cannot find their way to wrong people or wrong places and that the wrong people cannot find their way to them. Hosea 2:6

You can see there are 12; one for each month. Within a year, you will have consistently prayed this entire list or you could also just pray for all twelve daily. Print this out and keep it somewhere you could pray for them---in your Bible, on the fridge, etc.

(Source by Carl and Audrey Broggi)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What's the Big Deal About Dwelling on the Past?

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!”
Isaiah 43:18,19

The writing below is wonderful! It reminds me to focus on now not dwelling on the past! It was borrowed from http://www.proverbs31.org%20i/ am sure you will be blessed!

A young married woman unloaded her marriage frustrations on a radio call-in show. Her husband had forgotten what the word romance meant. He never thought to bring her a sweet card or to plan a date. He didn’t thank her or even notice her hard work, like laundry and keeping the house clean, along with working full-time.
I suspected her thoughts were leading her to a dangerous place. Sure enough, the young wife confirmed this with her next statement: After two years of marriage, she wondered if she’d made the right decision about this marriage. Maybe she should have married the guy she dated right after college, the one she regretted letting slip away from her.
Her fantasies of what might have been were leading her to a dangerous place of dwelling on the past. Thoughts of the past, or as today’s Scripture puts it, “former things,” can bombard our marriage mindset in damaging ways. See if any of these thoughts ring a bell:
  • I wonder if I made the right decision about my marriage?
  • I wish my husband were romantic (attentive or understanding) the way he was when we were dating.
  • What happened to the great listener I used to have in my husband? Now all he wants to do is play sports or watch TV.
  • Even though it was years ago, I just can’t forgive the way he hurt my feelings.
  • This isn’t what I imagined marriage would be. What happened to all our dreams?
How can dwelling on the past damage our marriage? When we dwell on the past, we’re robbed of the treasures of the present. We don’t see the gifts God’s given us right now in our husbands and marriage. Maybe he doesn’t bring you flowers anymore, but he works hard every day to provide. He doesn’t thank you for the clean laundry because he’s busy with a house project he hopes will make you smile. He knows he made mistakes in the past, but he’s trying hard to change.
The young wife on the radio found the world’s answer to her marital frustrations. The radio hostess agreed that this husband was clueless and this young wife should question staying in this marriage.
I wanted to scream, Stop right there! You’re going down a dangerous path! Maybe he wasn’t a good husband. But I suspect he was just a human husband, one with flaws and shortcomings. Just like the husband had plenty to learn about marriage, so did this young wife.
God has a better answer for what to do when we find ourselves dwelling on the past in a detrimental way. He says, “See, I am doing a new thing!” (Isaiah 43:19) In other words, God asks us to redirect our focus to the good things He can and will do in our marriages. As we continue in Isaiah we come to a question we need to ask ourselves, “Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” (43:19).
God’s is asking, Do you see the good things I’m doing right now… in your life or marriage? Pay attention or you’re going to miss out!
To redirect our focus on the new things God is doing in our marriages, we can pray about our marriage mindset, asking God to help us see the blessings, not the drawbacks. We can choose to think about how our marriage has gotten better, and look forward to the future we have together.
Reading this devotion may have triggered thoughts of some unresolved issues in your marriage. This isn’t meant to minimize the bigger issues you might be wrestling with in your marriage. These issues may need to be resolved before you can move forward. Pray about it individually and as a couple, talk with your spouse, and seek godly counsel. These steps might be necessary before you can see God “making a way in the desert” (Isaiah 43:19).

Monday, June 13, 2011

All Pride Aside-If and Then

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

Do you feel as if your prayers, your repentance, your pleading doesn't reach the ears of our Father? If this is a feeling that is truth for you, you are not alone. I too, have, at times felt this very way. When we pray it should be a loving conversation, a yearning, a want to, to have that intimate time with God. Sometimes the conversation seems one sided, and my words never reach Him.
I find the above verse to be very interesting in so many ways. Lets explore what God says, in His word!
Our prayers so often are a laundry list of what needs to be done, our wants, our desires. We acknowledge we have done wrong, repenting of our evil ways. Are we doing this out of ritual? Do we REALLY want to relate with Jesus, to walk with Him, talk with Him, share our lives with Him......... A better question? Do we want to listen to what He has to say?
The words if and then in 2 Chronicles really have spoken to me involving this passage, and our lives in general. IF...We humble ourselves....seek His face....TURN FROM OUR WICKED WAYS...
Are we humble when we pray? Do our hearts long for a word from God? Do you find yourself asking for and repenting for the same things over and over and over? Have you turned from wickedness? This passage says If we do all of these things mentioned then I will hear from heaven, forgive and heal!!! Whew, That's GOOD stuff isn't it? The God of this universe, the very one who cared enough to die on a cruel cross, and rose again for YOU and for ME wants to also heal and forgive, dare I say on a daily basis? That is really hard to wrap my mind around most days. I am so so in love with this Savior; the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords! Don't you want to be healed? forgiven? listened to? Let us cast all of our pride aside, humble ourselves before the Holy God of heaven. Know that apart from Christ you are nothing. Without Him and the Love that He so graciously gives, all things are impossible! Right now stop.................................and go love on your Savior; Tell Him how much you love Him!
Without the IF there is no THEN!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

A Drink for A Thirsty Soul

A dear friend is serving our Lord in Kenya right now. This is something she shared with me a few days ago, and I, in turn want to share it with you. This is so very simple, but, is causing me to evaluate the precious blessings God has given to us, with so much grace!!! 

John 4:14 Says: but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”  I am thanking our Lord Jesus today, for all of the blessings he gives. For new life, and for living water!

Written by: Susan Clark

I will never think of water quite the same again. On Wednesday we passed out water to an endless line of people. At times I could not pour it fast enough for the children to drink. Something as simplistic as water and people were standing in line for hours just for a cup of fresh clean water. I thought to myself how many times in a day I leave the water faucet running while I'm cleaning off the counters in my kitchen, or how much water I used just to water the few plants on the porch. Or the times in a day I fill the water bowl for the dogs on a hot afternoon. We have an endless supply it seems of water at home and yet water here is such a precious gift of life to so many. This sweet little boy who walked home from school today in the heat and when he reached the center he could not seem to drink enough water. He was so incredibly thirsty and I wondered how long that day he had gone without a cool cup of water to quench his thirst. Water is such a gift that we take for granted daily as Americans. Oh God my father please may I never forget to be grateful for the simply things in life!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tired Robot!

As mothers I am sure there are times when true exhaustion sets in; When the thought of yet another load of laundry, sweeping the floor, or doing the 3rd round of dishes for the day makes your head spin!!!

We all have days like these don't we? Some days I feel like a robot, doing the same things over and over and over again; When, sometimes I just want to play outside with our children, read a book with them, or even... TAKE A NAP with our little ones.

Matthew 11:28-30 says:
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

I take so much refuge in the above scripture.

I love being the wife, mother, and friend that God wants me to be, but He knew I would get tired, and feel burdened.

Isn't it wonderful that we serve the one true God? That takes on our burdens as His? I am rested when I curl up with the Master of this universe. I feel burdens lifted when I converse with and trust in the Creator. I have faith, that being the wife, and mother that He would have, is kingdom work... and suddenly, I don't feel as much like that robot I described.

Be encouraged, dear sister! Don't lose heart... He will lift your burdens, He will carry the load... There is no heart too heavy for the arms of Jesus to hold!

Many blessings

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

From Everlasting to Everlasting

“Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.” Psalm 90:2,4

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Well Rested

How was your week?  Were you involved in countless activities and programs centered around your children? Did you have any time alone with God? Were you up at dawn and down at midnight [or later]? Are you Tired?  If any of these things apply to you and your life then listen up!!!

I have some valuable tips for making your sabbath (Sunday or otherwise) a true day of rest.

I have the tendency to make our day of rest my "catch up day." Doing countless loads of laundry left from the weekend. Sweeping and mopping muddy floors tracked by little toddler toes; But, lately I have been evaluating what my day of rest should look like, and also what I can do to make resting easy for my family! Refocusing our minds, bodies, and hearts on our Lord!

Lay The Clothes Out- Some of you have already put this into practice in your own homes, I think it's fabulous! I always decide what everyone will wear, including socks, underwear, shoes, and any jewelry or hosiery I need to complete the outfit I choose for myself. The night before church we are all prepared!

Pack All The Bags- We have three children, so this means three different bags. Do you have extra clothes for the little ones? Are there snacks and sippy cups in each bag? Did you remember coloring pages and crayons for those coming into "big church?" This preparation makes for much smoother sailing come time for your church service.

Make Ahead - I love cooking, so I try to do that during the week, and save all my wonderful crock pot meals for Sundays. The night before, I try and prepare all that the dish requires, this includes making any sides or dessert too. Sometimes we go out to eat so all of this is void at that point, obviously ;)

Fine China- This is one of my favorite tips. PAPER EVERYTHING.  We use "regular" plates, cups, and silverware during the week, but we save the "fine china" for Sundays. We eat on paper plates, use plastic cups, forks, knives and spoons! This means no dishes after lunch. Love that!!!!

Be Intentional- Plan out your "rest." If this includes reading a good book, napping, or having some much needed alone time with you and our Heavenly Father, then plan all of this. Lay your book out near where you will curl up, brew some coffee and settle in. Make sure your bed is made so that when you kick off your heels you can climb onto nice, crisp sheets. If quiet time is what you need, have a note pad, and your bible handy, so that you will not have to search for it last minute.

We love spending time as a family on this day of rest too. After we all are well rested, we rejoin for a movie, or time outside.

Celebrate this day that our Lord has blessed us with. He knew that we would need this. Take your sabbath, and rest!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Higher Standard

I have come to find, that as a wife (of the most amazing man on the planet, may I add;) it is not always easy to follow! Do some of you feel this way?

Sometimes it's easier to blurt out answers, be "snip snappy" and want to do it our way, or no way! Sometimes, when your husband disciplines do you want to interrupt? take over? or say things like "your doing this wrong" or "this is how you should do it." I can't be alone on all of this!!!!

The world has, for some time, been calling for feminism, undermining the love and respect we should be giving our husbands, and dare I say submitting to the leadership they provide as well. By the worlds standards we should be independent, and have an "I don't need a man" attitude. We should bull doze our way around, knocking everyone over, including our husbands, to get ahead, and have our way; God calls for a much higher standard to live by.What does the  bible say about this?

In James 1:19 it says we are to be slow to anger.  " My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." This seems to be a struggle for me most days. With my buoyant (a kind word for loud) personality it is hard to remember to listen before speaking, and that my opinion is not the only one that counts! Ask your husband for his opinion, and when he gives it, listen and heed his advice, or suggestions.

I was reminded recently by an altercation with one of my dear friends that love covers a multitude of sins; also, love keeps no record of wrongs. (I was not doing this well at all)
1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
1 Corinthians 13:5 [Love] "It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
We should love, as God commands, especially our husbands!

Fathers day is coming up soon. I am praying that respect, love, and biblical submission avail in my marriage, so that our children will see a model of what our Lord commands us to do as wives; so that one day, they too can look for and be the biblical example given in scripture.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dying to Save- Living to Love

At the  age of 33,
Jesus was condemned to the death penalty.
At that  time crucifixion was the "worst" death. Only the worst criminals condemned to be crucified. Yet it was
Even more dreadful for Jesus, for unlike other criminals condemned to death by crucifixion, Jesus was nailed to the cross by His hands and feet, rather than tied...

Each  nail
Was 6 to 8 inches long.
The  nails
Were driven into His wrist.  Not
Into His palms  as is commonly
Portrayed. There's a tendon in the wrist that 
Extends to the shoulder.  The Roman guards knew
That when the nails were being hammered into the
Wrist, that tendon would tear and
Break, forcing Jesus to use His back
Muscles to support himself, so that He could breathe.  

Jesus endured this
Reality for over 3 hours.
Over 3 hours! Can you imagine this kind of
Suffering? A few minutes before He died,
Jesus stopped bleeding. He was simply pouring water
From his wounds.  

From  common images we see wounds to His hands and feet and even the spear wound to His side... 
But do we remember the many wounds 
Made to his body.  A hammer
Driving large nails through the wrists, the feet overlapped
And a nail hammered through the arches, then a
Roman guard piercing  His side with a spear. And...
Before the nails and the spear, Jesus was whipped and
Beaten.  The whipping was so severe that it tore the
Flesh from His body. The beating so horrific that His
Face was torn and his beard ripped from His face. The
Crown of thorns (two to three inch thorns) cut deeply into His scalp. Most men
Would not have survived this torture.   

He had no more blood
To bleed out, only water poured from His 
Human adult body contains about 3.5 liters
(just less than a  gallon) of blood.

Jesus  poured all 3.5 liters of his blood;
He had three nails hammered into His
Members; a crown of thorns on His head and, beyond
That, a Roman soldier who stabbed a spear into His 
All  these without
Mentioning the humiliation He passed after carrying His own
Cross for almost 2 kilometers, while the crowd  spat in his
Face and threw stones (the cross beam was almost 30 kg of weight, to which His hands were nailed).

Jesus had to endure this experience,
So that you may have free access to God.

So that your sins can be "washed" away.
  of them, with no exception!
Don't ignore this.

Accept  the reality, the truth, that

I think we, even as Christians, tend to glamorize the brutal crucifixion of Christ. While His death was the most beautiful act of grace, mercy and love it was also painful, humiliating, and I am sure emotionally draining! But, praise be to our Lord that it didn't stop there!!!

God has special plans for YOU!
Really think about it!