Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

A Drink for A Thirsty Soul

A dear friend is serving our Lord in Kenya right now. This is something she shared with me a few days ago, and I, in turn want to share it with you. This is so very simple, but, is causing me to evaluate the precious blessings God has given to us, with so much grace!!! 

John 4:14 Says: but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”  I am thanking our Lord Jesus today, for all of the blessings he gives. For new life, and for living water!

Written by: Susan Clark

I will never think of water quite the same again. On Wednesday we passed out water to an endless line of people. At times I could not pour it fast enough for the children to drink. Something as simplistic as water and people were standing in line for hours just for a cup of fresh clean water. I thought to myself how many times in a day I leave the water faucet running while I'm cleaning off the counters in my kitchen, or how much water I used just to water the few plants on the porch. Or the times in a day I fill the water bowl for the dogs on a hot afternoon. We have an endless supply it seems of water at home and yet water here is such a precious gift of life to so many. This sweet little boy who walked home from school today in the heat and when he reached the center he could not seem to drink enough water. He was so incredibly thirsty and I wondered how long that day he had gone without a cool cup of water to quench his thirst. Water is such a gift that we take for granted daily as Americans. Oh God my father please may I never forget to be grateful for the simply things in life!

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