Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Prayer Through Deficiencies

When I went to school it was a scary place, socially. In middle school I was a chubby kid, girls were cruel and boys didn't like me, so I kept to myself a bit, but getting good grades came pretty easy. I never have thought to pray about my children having the ability or motivation to learn, I thought it would be just as easy for them! I was dead wrong!

It has become clear to us as parent's that one of our children is quite a bit delayed in learning, speech, and even in some social areas as well. 
School work, and focus has always been a struggle for him. He has a lot of difficulty learning new things, and retaining them... it is frustrating for this homeschooling mama!!!

Lately in my prayer time I have been praying for total healing of all of the difficulties this little boy has. It is so hard to watch our children struggle, isn't it???

In one way or another we all have deficiencies. Thankfully , God makes up for them with His strength. The bible says, "Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God" (2 Corinthians 3:5)

That is SO true......

God has pulled us and this child through some really rough patches, and I am sure more are to come, and through all of this we are learning that true knowledge and understanding begin with and come from the Lord.

The Bible teaches us that knowledge begins with a reverence for God and His ways. And what a great knowledge it is. So great, in fact, it is a shield that delivers and protects us from evil. 

Our children, and their ability to learn should never be taken for granted. Even while our children are still in the womb we can pray "Lord let this child be knit perfectly together by You forever." 

I believe the sooner we, especially as wives and mother's, get a handle on our direct connection and communication with Christ, through prayer, the better!

Our prayers for our children will make a positive and permanent difference in eternity and here on earth, no matter what their age or deficiency!


  1. Thank you for this. I find myself praying for my special needs one since everything seems to come so easy to my other one. But lately my other one has been struggling in certain areas. I realized I have been lacking in prayer for my other one! This struggle he is having has brought it to my attention, along with your post.

    1. You are so welcome Laura. Isn't it hard to have a child who struggles? You keep praying, keep working... God will surely reward you for it!
