Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Celebrating Biblical Womanhood.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Can't Never Could

“Bring them here to me.” Matthew 14:18 (NIV)
“Mo-om,” my six year old son called from the den where he was working on math, “I can’t do this!”
I was in the kitchen washing dishes. “If you can’t do it,” I called back, “Just bring it to me.”
In a whoosh, I heard God’s still small voice, coming in on the heels of what I have just spoken aloud. “Isn’t that what I say to you?” He reminded me.
When I am overwhelmed: “If you can’t do it, just bring it to Me.”
When I am angry: “If you can’t do it, just bring it to Me.”
When I am hurting: “If you can’t do it, just bring it to Me.”
When I am confused: “If you can’t do it, just bring it to Me.”
Thousands of years ago, the disciples faced a situation they couldn’t do. They couldn’t feed 5000 men and their families lunch even though the people were hungry. They knew that allowing them to leave would mean missing a great ministry opportunity… but their resources were sorely lacking.
Then one little boy stood up and offered his lunch. Jesus responded, “Bring them here to me.” He took that meager offering — the tiniest bit offered in faith — and multiplied it beyond anyone’s expectations.
I need God to do that for me every day. When I think that I can’t do something, I need to faithfully take what little I can do and place it in His hands. And then I need to stand back and watch Him multiply my humble offering into something amazing.
What are you feeling like you can’t do today?
Take on a challenge God is calling you to?
Respond to a ministry opportunity even though it is scary?
Stay in a marriage that looks over from where you’re standing?
Persevere in your efforts to pay off debt?
Offer forgiveness to someone who hurt you?
Whatever it is, know this: you are right. You can’t do it. So bring whatever it is to Him. Picture yourself offering it up, just like that little boy’s lunch. Then stand back and prepare to be amazed.

Written by:Marybeth Whalen, for Proverbs 31 ministries

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